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反之则不公平。And if not, it's unjust.

反之,则是冷若冰霜。Instead, it is cold-hearted.

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反之,要把责任揽在你自己身上。Instead, put the burden on yourself.

反之你也可以发出极大的呼气声。Or you can have a very breathy voice.

反之,乐观亦会传播。Conversely, optimism is also transmittable.

反之,你的情绪,应随著演讲起起伏伏。Instead, temper your talk with highs and lows.

反之,恶缘不尽,生活一团乱。Conversely, the evil margin not, life is a mess.

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而反之,我就会感觉有点头晕眼花。If I don’t quite hit REM, I may feel a bit groggy.

反之,则不能形成气辅层。Whereas, then can not form spirit to assist a layer.

反之,删除这条规则则使一体化进程的步伐放慢。gutting the rules will slow the pace of integration.

反之,往小蜥蜴卵中添加卵黄,他们孵出了雌性蜥蜴。Adding yolk to a little egg was a recipe for a female.

“欧洲似乎离美国渐远,反之宜然”。Europe seems farther away to the U. S. and vice versa.

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反之,市场就会更加浅显,更加不堪一击。Instead, they are getting shallower and more vulnerable.

反之,企业就可能会遭受难以估量的损失。On the contrary, enterprises may suffer inestimable loss.

后者通过情来表达性,其状态反之。On the contrary, the latter expresses sex by way of love.

反之不显色则为尿钻阴性。Otherwise is not colored drills the negative for the urine.

反之,因为随缘,整个人自在。Conversely, because according to situation, the man at ease.

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反之,承认你的不足,按时交货。Instead, admit your fallibility and deliver on your promises.

反之,有力的并充满自信的握住他人的手。Instead, grip the other person’s hand firmly and confidently.

反之,手术就复杂,手术后康复时间也就长。Conversely, surgery is complex, surgery is long recovery time.