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小火、慢火是最好的。Low and slow is best.

调小火,加入油桃。Reduce heat. Add nectarines.

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然后,既继小火温着。Then, both the small fire temperature.

煮滚,小火煨煮10分钟即可。Boil and reduce heat, simmer for 10 minutes.

他为汉瑟和葛丽特生了一堆小火。He builds a small fire for Hansel and Gretel.

烧烤餐是把肉食放在小火上烧熟。At a barbeque, meat is cooked over a small fire.

把火转为小火,盖上锅盖,闷煮20分钟。Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer 20 minutes.

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小火炖15分钟,让所有食料的味道充分混合。Simmer for 15 mins so all the flavours can mingle.

我们搭小火轮去广州。We were scheduled to go to Guangzhou by steam boat.

将油烧热,用小火将可乐饼炸至金黄色,然后转大火炸多一分钟,取出沥干油。Heat up some oil and deep fry the cake until golden.

在烧沸后改用小火就可以了。In the simmering to switch to the small fire burning.

加入鸡汤和奶油,小火煮大概30分钟。Add the chicken stock and cream and simmer for 30mins.

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把整个红椒放到平底锅里,用小火慢慢将皮烤焦。Put red peppers in a pan and burn their skin on low fire.

在一个小锅里加水和巧克力,开小火加热融化它。Melt chocolate with water in a small pot over a low flame.

以小火加热酱汁至其沸腾变浓。Cook the sauce over a low heat until it boils and thickens.

倒入蒸熟的香芋和已经过凉后的西米,关小火,加入人造糖与椰浆,调均。Turn the heat down. Add in artificial sugar and coconut milk.

煮开,转小火慢煮,渐渐地看到酱汁变稠而且乌黑发亮。Bring to the boil, and then simmer until get a nice shiny pulp.

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以平底锅烧热2汤匙水,煮沸后调至小火。Heat 2 tbsp water in frying pan until boiling, turn to Iow-heat.

煮开水,把香料和茶包放进去,小火闷10分钟。Boil water, put in the spices and tea bags, simmer for 10 minutes.

那棵树的顶梢梢上,还挂着一个小火柿子。At the very top of the old persimmon tree, there was one last fruit.