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你的名字和我在中国的一个好朋友的名字不谋而合。Your name is the same with oen of my best friends in chian.

卡利古拉的推论和霍布斯、格老秀斯的不谋而合。The reasoning of Caligula agrees with that of Hobbes and Grotius.

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还有一些人则注意到此次“疫情”的爆发时间恰好与本学年的期末考试“不谋而合”。Others noted the outbreak came at the same time as end-of-year exams.

这与祖国医学的“治未病”思想不谋而合。This is the traditional medicine of "prevent disease" thinking in line.

谷歌聘请最聪明计算机人才的雄心,也与微软不谋而合。Google's ambition to hire the brightest computer minds also echoes Microsoft.

林肯的话,与亚撒利雅对犹大王亚撒说的话不谋而合。Lincoln's words paraphrase the thoughts Azariah expressed to King Asa of Judah.

而且它又与联合国记者团组织的审查不谋而合。It also happened to coincide with a screening organized by the U.N. press corps.

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金建琳的这份建议与晋安区政府的设想不谋而合。The proposal happened to coincide with the strategy of Jinan district government.

弗里德伯格的建议与美国过去至少十年的外交政策的实质不谋而合。Friedberg's counsel resembles the essence of U.S. policy for at least the last decade.

在我看来,这个观念与一个由来已久的观念——我们人类具有极大的潜力,不谋而合。To me, this idea agreed with the age-old notion that we as humans have great potential.

你遭受的健康冲击可能与身体所表现出来的不谋而合。The precise health wallop you suffer may have to do with how your body manifests stress.

当然,这和春晚“大而全”的思想不谋而合,大而全但不臃肿,不能朝“纵向”发展只得“横向”扩容。Of course it caters for the idea of "large and all-inclusive". But it is not overstaffed.

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萨维茨基的地缘政治思想与苏联时期的对外政策不谋而合。His geopolitical thoughts coincide with the foreign policy in the era of the Soviet Union.

在某些地方事务上,右翼气候怀疑论者和左翼气候阴谋论者观点不谋而合。In some local matters, even right-wing climate sceptics and climate-conscious lefties concur.

如果这和你正经历的不谋而合,这可能是对爱情上瘾而并非爱情本身。If this sounds like what you are experiencing, it may be this is a love addiction not love itself.

都市人对家居饰品的诉求,与山野里人们所追求的淳朴生活不谋而合。The need for household in cities is coherent with simple life wild people are pursuit in mountains.

他发现自己与那些人在绿色、反政府等观点上不谋而合,最后他自己也成了其中一员。He found he shared their green, anti-establishment values, and eventually became a squatter himself.

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我的感受与许嘉璐同志不谋而合,他说出了我想要说的话。不过他的概括更有高度。I feel coincides with Comrade Xu, he had to say I want to say. However, he summed up the more highly.

他办报刊是为了“觉世”,与此后梁启超提倡的“小说界革命”的目的不谋而合。Li's ideal was to awaken the public, which corresponded tO the slogan Of Liang Qichao's Novel Reform.

这项发现一旦经确认属实,将与火星表面下存在产甲烷菌的说法不谋而合。If verified, this finding would be consistent with having methanogens living below the surface of Mars.