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这是一个锐角。It is an acute angle.

你可以得到锐角精确的三等分。We must bestir ourselves to get there on time.

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小于90度的角叫锐角。正在加载用户记忆法…Angles of less than 90 degrees are called acute angles.

为了避免内壁筛孔周边的锐角,冲孔时应冲成下凹的圆弧形。To avoid the sharp angles around the inner wall, should punch to sunken arc.

毛细血管部分成锐角折返,亦可见毛细血管盲端。Some vessels turned back to be acute angles and some were observed as blind channels.

在具有变分结构条件下推广了锐角原理。The acute angle theorem is extended under the condition of the variational structure.

在海平面上突出的锐角三角形实际上是一条渔船。The sharp-edged triangle poking out of the flat ocean was in fact the tip of a shipwreck.

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锐角会增加锻件中的应力,同时在使用时削弱锻模。Sharp corners are stress-risers in the forgings, as well as make the dies weak in service.

如果您用三角形的角度进行测试,那么可能的类型是直角、锐角、钝角或等角三角形。If you test by the triangle's angles, possible types are right, acute, obtuse, or equiangular.

这个斜面锐角使进气口的气流纵向流变。The ramp sits at an acute angle to deflect the intake airstream from the longitudinal direction.

三晋锐角布中的涅金布当是韩国铸造的法定流通货币。The spade coins shaped acute angle of Three Jin states should be the legal currency made by Han state.

安装角,飞机的纵轴与机翼弦线所形成的锐角。ANGLE OF INCIDENCE, The acute angle which the wing chord makes with the longitudinal axis of the aircraft.

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数学上的角有钝角,平角,锐角,直角,同学们,还有什么角啊?Mathematics on the corner there is an obtuse, straight angle, acute angle, right angle, the students, what angle ah?

在这座双层住宅中,位于较低楼层的是工作室,上面有一间卧室与入口成锐角。The two-storey box housing the studio on its lower floor and a bedroom above is set at an acute angle to the entrance.

这将产生一个锐角或切除角,具体取决于斜联接的长度是否超过斜联接限制。This produces a sharp corner or a clipped corner, depending on whether the length of the miter exceeds the miter limit.

锐角布面文的地名都在今河南境内,这类布币当是战国时期韩国的铸币。The placenames of the inscriptions on the coin are all in Henan province, so the coins should be the currency of Han state.

每每高速驶入锐角弯心,车尾总能在危险到来之前戏剧性地到达你预期的轨迹。Often high-speed turn into an acute angle heart, in the rear always dangerous until you reach the expected dramatic trajectory.

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当我注意到西行的路可以走的时候,我就在三角形道路的东角转了一个锐角往西行。I turned a sharp turn to the westward at the east angle of the road-triangle when I realized that the westward trail was all right.

虽然踩着又高又粗的鞋跟,但要看到黛安娜的眼睛,她还是得仰起头,保持锐角角度。Despite the fact that she was balancing on tall, chunky heels, she still had to gaze up at an acute angle to look Diane in the eyes.

再由一支一次性筷子固定住以同样的角度磨表面。磨背面时应保持更加锐角的角度。Re-sharpen face by same angle which would be kept by single disposable chopstick. Back side should be re-sharpened by more acute angle.