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专家和前官员对此次公开密件的影响各执一词。Experts and former officials are divided over the impact.

对于案件的细节,双方各执一词,这里是一些基本的情况。Both sides dispute the details of the case, but here are the basics.

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而欧盟的媒体也是各执一词。European press coverage is marked by telling differences of vocabulary.

但是公共卫生部门的官员却在评估猪流感的扩散情况时各执一词。But public health officials are scrambling to determine the extent of the outbreak.

在戛纳,这部片子的高潮也让评论家们各执一词,一些人被塔伦蒂诺的刻意求新弄得恼火不已。In Cannes, the movie's climax split critics, with some offended by Tarantino's contrivances.

近来,关于是否应该废除体罚出现了一场激烈的争论,老师、家长和专家各执一词。Recently, there has arisen a fierce argument on whether corporal punishment should be abolished.

自从中印边界战争以来,中印两国学界在中印边界战争问题上长期存在分歧,各执一词,莫衷一是。There is a vast divergence upon Sino-Indian border war in the academic circles of China and India.

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双方各执一词这并不奇怪,因为他们各自都有恰当的理由。It is not surprising there is lively debate about this because there are good arguments on both sides.

在支付宝何时转移给马云,或阿里巴巴董事会是否知情的问题上,雅虎与阿里巴巴各执一词.Yahoo and Alibaba do not agree on when Alipay was transferred to Ma, or whether Alibaba's board knew about it.

话题众多、各执一词、言语激烈的博客论战成了一些门户网站吸引眼球的法宝。Blog controversies have become a magic weapon of the portals with eye-catching with radical words and various topics.

对于最低工资制度的存废,争论颇多,反对者与赞成者各执一词。There are lots of disputes on the minimum wage system's existence. The objectors and supporters have different opinions.

人们对什麽时候全球石油消耗停止增长各执一词,但很多分析人士认为,这种情况将在未来15年内出现。Estimates of when global oil consumption will stop rising vary but many analysts see it happening over the next 15 years.

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但是事情由于两名工程师对于微处理器的结构的设想各执一词而进展并不顺利。But affair because of two engineers for microprocessor of structure of conceive each keep one phrase but the progress isn't smooth.

但是在下文中,可以看到各国对美国的反政府运动各执一词。But as this survey of the foreign press shows, each country seems to have its own unique take on America's anti-incumbent movement.

人道和报应的死刑观对死刑的存废各执一词,代表的是两种应然的观点,与现实会有偏差。Humanism and nemesis have different ideas about remaining or abolishing super penalty, they both are away from reality in some degree.

正面同意的批评者们说,在各执一词的性骚扰案件中,这种政策让被告承担了不公平的举证责任。In he-said, she-said sexual assault cases, critics of affirmative consent say the policy puts an unfair burden of proof on the accused.

其中,对正当防卫时间条件的理解成为问题的核心,对此,司法界和理论界众说纷纭,各执一词。Among the problems, the understanding of the time term of justifiable defense is the main one, which influences judicial circle and theory field.

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其三,从企业的治理结构上,企业所有者和经营者对双方劳资分配各执一词,致使企业高层关系紧张。Third, from the corporate governance structure, enterprise owners and operators to both parties argue the labor distribution, the enterprise top tension.

在民主国家,知识分子和政治家对经济危机的冲击作出各执一词的解读,并通过媒体传播。In a democracy, the impact of economic crises is mediated by competing interpretations provided by intellectuals and politicians, and conveyed by the media.

此举在遇难者家属中引发争议。在让死者留在水下坟墓还是入土为安的问题上,家属们仍然各执一词。It has, however, caused controversy among families of the dead, who are split over whether to leave the victims in their watery grave or to bury them on land.