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冰淇淋在热天是解暑提神的佳品。Ice cream is a good refreshment on a hot day.

绿豆汤是人人皆知的夏季较好的解暑饮料。Mung bean soup is a well known summer better Jieshu drinks.

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嗯,喝茶可以帮助消化、提神、解暑。Yeah, tea aids digestion and is refreshing during the summertime heat.

在韩国的一家动物园里,一只猩猩靠小风扇吹来的徐徐凉风解暑降温。An orangutan cools down with a fan at South Korea's Everland amusement and animal park.

立夏刚过,天气渐渐变热,可口的冰淇淋可算是解暑的良品。Everyone knows that nothing tastes as good as fresh, homemade food, and ice cream is no exception!

夏季,很多女性喜欢上泳池游泳,不仅能消夏解暑,还能减压消遣。The summer, many women like to swim the pool swims, can not only good summer, still can reduced pressure pastime.

冬季多吃点苦瓜能清热解暑,然而怎么吃能力最大水平施展解暑的作用?。Summer eat more bitter gourd can clear away heat, but how to eat good can play a good role to the greatest extent?

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在鸡肉的基础上,这道口味清新的沙拉包含了各色的新鲜蔬菜,并饰以喷香的芝麻,堪称夏日夜晚爽口解暑的经典。Packed with fresh vegetables and a sesame dressing, this chicken salad is a light and refreshing meal perfect for summer nights.

暑伏到了,天气炎热,在这里丹妮幼儿园提醒家长给孩子们多喝水,多吃水果,给孩子们解暑降温。Shufu is coming. The weather is so hot. We remind daddies and mommies to give our kids more water , more fruit and to keep cool!

但与其打开空调,不如做几杯解暑冷饮让让自己全身心凉快下来。Instead of turning up that air conditioner this summer, you can cool your body from the inside out with some refreshing summer drinks.

卡塔尔将在多哈及周边地区举办世界杯,其时正值沙漠地区酷暑难当的夏季,但卡塔尔承诺会用一流的科技为球迷和运动员等人降温解暑。Qatar will stage a World Cup in and around Doha in a desert summer but promises state-of-the-art technology to cool fans and players alike.

今天小编要告诉你,除了空调,红酒冰棒也是你在盛夏中的解暑良方!Besides sticking around your dear air-conditioner, red wine popsicles can also be your summer elixir. This article will show you how to make it.

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运动饮料公司会让你感觉到只有它们的产品才能帮助你解暑补水,但这是大错特错的!Sports drink companies would have you think that their products are the only option to stay cool and hydrated this summer, but that couldn't be more untrue!

高温天气来袭,生活在安徽合肥野生动物园内的一些松鼠猴靠吃冰棒来解暑降温。Several squirrel monkeys cool themselves off with ice- lolly as record high temperatures hit Hefei Safari Park, E. China's Anhui Province on August 15, 2006.

这些天湘潭气温高达38℃,很多准妈妈肯定觉得特别热,想喝冰水又不敢,喝饮料又怕有刺激,怎么解暑才好呢?。These days the temperature as much as 38 ℃ xiangtan, a lot of expectant mothers must feel special hot, want to drink water and can't, drink again afraid have exciting, how good enough?

面膜纸用小苦瓜花水浸泡后,即可制成“苦瓜解暑补水面膜”,随手一敷,紧致肌肤,清热纳暑,消除痘痘。Mask bitter gourd with a small paper flower water immersion, you can make "Water bitter gourd mask" one readily enough, compact skin, summer heat is satisfied, the elimination of pimples.

大热天饮热茶听起来似乎有悖常理,但是从东方养生学认为这有助发汗解暑,可以清凉降火。While it may seem counterintuitive to drink hot liquids in the heat, but Chinese traditional health keeping philosophy believes that doing so will increase sweating and help cool you off.

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凉薯具有生津止渴、清凉解暑等功能,已研究开发的系列产品主要有凉薯汁饮料、凉薯果脯、凉薯果酱和凉薯罐头等。Jicama has many functions, such as refrigerant and relieving summer-heat, etc. The products have been developed, for instance, Jieama beverage, Jieama preserved fruit, Jieama tin and so on.

肉类食物食用过多,会使人体质呈酸性,多内热,适当摄入凉性蔬菜有利于生津止渴、除烦解暑、清热泻水、排毒通便。Food consumption of too much meat, acidic constitution will make people more heat, the appropriate intake of vegetables help cool thirst, arrests restless Jieshu, heat drip, detoxification laxative.