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来自理查德,瓦格纳的,尼伯龙根的指环。It's from Richard Wagner.

我就不用戴灿烂的指环。I need not wear a diamond ring.

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指环的遗失使她很心烦意乱。Losing the ring upset her very much.

是啊,就像来世盛大婚礼上的结婚指环!Yes, as the marriage ring of the great espousal hereafter!

这个‘指环’可能是在两个星团发生碰撞时形成的。The ring may have been formed when two galactic clusters collided.

这些指环的价值并不在于它们镶有宝石。These rings are not valued because they are set with precious stones.

这些指环的价值并不在于它们镶有宝石。These rings are not valuesd because they are set with precious stones.

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达斯的脖子和右手腕上戴着金链,手上还戴着两枚金指环。Das wears gold chains around his neck and right wrist, and two gold rings.

彭克列家族拥有七枚戒指,被认为是最强大的七枚指环。Vongole family have seven rings . They are considered as the most powerful.

购买首饰提供终身免费清洗、指环抛光服务。Customers can enjoy free jewelry cleanout and ring polishing service for life time.

修复的珠宝中有一黄金和铂金的精致指环,上面镶嵌的宝石超过75颗。Amongst the jewellery recovered is a gold and platinum filigree ring with over 75 gemstones.

一具尸体横卧在路中,除了一只眼镜蛇指环外,身上没有值钱的东西。The dead man sprawled across the path has nothing of value except a Ring of the Cobra's Eye.

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奖品既有诱人的新手礼包,又有内测纪念版金指环等繁多豪礼。Attractive prizes both novice Package, have online commemorative gold ring, and so many ho ceremony.

她知道自己的玉手纤丽,不喜欢戴指环,但现在她在手指上戴上了钻石。Knowing she had beautiful hands, she disdained to wear rings, but now she covered her fingers with diamonds.

古埃及的首饰匠人们打造了许多保存至今的精美的圣甲虫指环和项链。Jewelers in ancient Egypt made many examples of finely carved scarab rings and necklaces that still exist today.

再深入解释一下,如果这个指环坏了,霍比特人就应该将它丢弃进而寻找一个新的领导。And to further that analogy, if the ring goes bad, the Hobbits need to throw the ring in Mt. Doom and find a new leader.

自古以来,人们就用指环,手镯和项链来装点他们的十指,双腕和颈项。Since ancient times people have worn jewelry like rings, bracelets and necklaces to decorate their fingers, wrists and necks.

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亚哈随鲁王似乎没有经过详细考虑,便摘下手上的印章指环给哈曼,让他可以随从己意书写和签印谕旨。It would seem that without much thought Xerxes took off his signet ring and gave it to Haman to write and sign anything he wanted to.

威廉曾表示,母亲的指环象征他们一家四口的幸福日子,向父亲说要用它求婚。William has said that the mother's ring to symbolize their well-being of a family of four days, the father said to use it to marry him.

据该家族记载,这枚指环是该藏家庆祝其长子出生而送给妻子的礼物。According to family lore, the ring was given as a gift from the collector to his wife in celebration of the birth of their first baby boy.