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西安曾是一个古代的都城。Xi’an was once an ancient capital.

这就是他的都城变成废墟的原因。That caused the ruin of his capital.

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这座门楼是明朝都城的正南门。This is the south gate of the Ming capital.

殷墟啊就是指商朝都城的遗址。It means the ruins of the Shang Dynasty's capital.

这些女乐文马陈列在鲁国都城南面高门这个地方。These female horse displayed in lu r. music this place.

商朝在这里建立了繁华的都城。It was the prosperous capital city of the Shang Dynasty.

“即使在都城,也有粗鲁的人。”青蛙父亲说。"Even in the Capital there are boors, " said Father Frog.

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这座城市曾是中国唐朝时的都城。The city was the capital of China during the Tang Dynasty.

二里头都城的选址经过了周密的考虑。The choice of Erlitou Site went through careful consideration.

按图前往披上了其他城市色彩的都城巴士的相片。Click to see more photos of City Sigtseeing Metrobuses in Australia.

俄亥俄州哥伦布市的一组示威者也走上该市的都城大道进行示威。A group in Columbus, Ohio, also marched on the capital city's street.

南宋时越州两次成为临时都城。In South Song Dynasty, Yue State became temporary capital twice. In A.

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此途开始于童年的森林,已成功的都城为终点。It began in the forest of childhood , and ceased at the city of success.

这陵园是仿照秦代都城咸阳建造的。The mausoleum was built in imitation of the Qin Dynasty's capital, Xianyang.

全世界的商人住满了使这个殖民都城现代化而霓虹灯闪烁的新酒店。World traders occupy gleaming new hotels that modernize the colonial capital.

北京都城壮盛年夜旅店座落于素有“止您硅褂氡之称的北京止呢村下科技园区。Located in Beijing's Zhongguancun Hi-tech Zone, the "Silicon Valley of China".

在都城即将受到攻击之际,蔡国的君主向孙子求助。Asthe capital is about to be attacked, the duke of cai calls on sun tzu for help.

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波塞迪亚也是该岛的都城,被称作翡翠城。Poseida was also the capital city of the island, and was called the Emerald City.

蒙古都城在空旷的平原上拔地而起,四周为高耸的土墙所环绕。Surrounded by tall mud walls, The Mongol capital rose up out of the blank plains.

随后,在辽,金,元,明,清这些朝代里北京都是它们的都城。Thereafter, Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties all made Beijing their capital.