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人人都能当厨师!Anyone Can Cook!

如今人人都佩带胸卡。We all wear IDs now.

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人人都得平均分享。All must share alike.

人人爱书!Everyone loves books.

人人都抓牢现金。Everyone went to cash.

人人生来都是平等的。Pepole are born equal.

人人都爱迪士尼。Everybody loves Disney.

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人人都在笑他。Everybody laughed at him.

没有人人都合口味的菜。No dish suits all tastes.

人人都喜欢免费的东西。Everybody loves a freebie.

并非人人都能当老板。Not all men can be bosses.

人人都爱湖人队。Everybody loves The Lakers.

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人人都知道她很有才干。Her talents are well known.

人人都必须守法。Everybody must keep the law.

出口版人笑,人人喊打。People laugh and people cry.

何解人人都很重要?Why is everybody so serious!

人人必需笃守规章制度。Everyone must keep the rules.

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人人都争地位。Everybody fights for position.

人人都有财务上的恐惧感。Everybody has financial fears.

在中国人人都有户口。Everyone has a hukou in China.