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把茶壶精彩的茶。Teapots make wonderful tea.

我们仍用茶壶沏茶。We still make tea in teapots.

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不要让茶壶里面的水烧干。Don't let the kettle boil dry.

茶壶和饭团?Teapots and rice platters? Yep.

这茶壶的壶嘴坏了。This teapot's got a broken spout.

我是一个小茶壶,矮矮胖胖。I am little teapot, short and stout.

我是一把小茶壶,矮矮胖胖。I'm a little teapot short and stout.

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茶壶掉下来摔得粉碎。The teapot fell with an awful smash.

我是一把小茶壶,矮矮又胖胖的小鬼。I'm a little teapot, short and stout.

我是一把小茶壶,矮矮胖胖。I’m a little teapot, short and stout.

茶壶的壶口跟壶手把甚至都是配备了。The spouts even double as the handle.

那个橱柜上面有茶壶吗?。Are there any teapots in the cupboard?

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我还想买一只中国茶壶。I’d also like to get a Chinese teapot.

她把茶壶套盖在茶壶上。She put the tea-cozy over the tea-pot.

她跳起来,将茶壶向他掷去。She upped and threw the teapot at him.

茶壶觉着花籽就像她的心脏。The teapot felt the seed as her heart.

这茶壶把儿的形状真别扭。The teapot just came apart in my hands.

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茶壶是褐色带黄色条纹的。The tea-pot was brown with yellow bands.

水在茶壶里开始沸腾。The water began to bubble in the teapot.

慢慢倒下,他朝茶壶撇了一眼。Toppling over, he leered into the teapot.