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还会有更多的华彩乐章将在你面前展开。There'll be more.

为圣经展开的争战。The Battle for the Bible.

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我只是把它展开了。I'm just expanding it out.

鹰展开了双翅。The eagle spread its wings.

显然蜂蜜被盗激怒了他们,于是他们就展开了报复行动。Enraged, they had retaliated.

鹰展开双翅。The eagle expanded its wings.

问题主要在2xy上,考虑到我们知道,有一个二项展开式是以x^2-2xy开始的。The main problem is this 2xy.

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鹰展开了它的翅膀。The eagle outspread its wings.

他四肢展开地睡在床上His limbs straddled in the bed.

每军种独立展开自己的战争。Each waged its own separate war.

知道何时展开讨论。Know when to table a discussion.

展开新创建的项目。Expand the newly-created project.

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她弯下腰去把地毯展开。She stooped to untuck the carpet.

这样你可以对它泰勒展开。So then you can Taylor expand it.

故事情节是围绕着一起车祸展开的。The plot turns on a car accident.

然后他展开一幅宇宙地图。Then he unfolded a universal map.

我要展开诗歌的无形羽翼But on the viewless wings of Poesy

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哦,云翳呀,展开!Bring me my spear! O clouds unfold!

权力突忽而至,腐化也随之展开。Power that comes too fast corrupts.

我们把地图展开铺在桌子上。We spread the map out on the table.