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恐怖分子的罪行令人发指。The terrorist crimes dripped horror.

他的禽兽行为令人发指。His bestiality made people bristle with anger.

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敌人的暴行令人发指。The enemy's atrocities made one boil with anger.

完全就是吃果果的令人发指的懒惰和疲乏。It is just blatantly and brutally LAZY and TIRED.

这些人有许多是被惨无人道、令人发指地杀死的。Many of these people died brutal, horrible deaths.

只有疯子才犯这种令人发指的罪行。Only an insane person could perpetrate such a horrible crime.

为什么上帝竟能容许、竟能忍受对自己儿子进行如此令人发指的虐待?Why did God allow and endure such ghastly, evil mistreatment?

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这次大屠杀是当今最令人发指的事件之一。This massacre is one of the towering obscenities of other time.

记者们查到一些有关该公司的令人发指的事实。The journalists dug up some hair-raising facts about the company.

这些痛苦和流血令人发指,不容接受。The suffering and bloodshed is outrageous and it is unacceptable.

不承诺,不能承诺,利瑟生长激素缺乏症,更令人发指的承诺没有比。Do not promise, can not promise, lisser ghd, promise no more heinous than.

“他的行径极端残忍,他折磨我们的孩子的手段令人发指,”霍伊特说。"What he did was so horrendous, how he tortured our children, " Hoyt said.

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洪都拉斯的杀人犯数量多到令人发指,而安哥拉的儿童死亡率最高,不忍直视。Honduras, No1 for murders and Angola, which has the highest child mortality rate.

许多令人发指的罪行都是借宗教的名义犯下的。Horrible cruelties and frightful crimes were perpetrated in the name of religion.

本文罗列了十大在人体上进行的丧尽天良、令人发指的实验。This is a list of the 10 most evil and unethical experiments carried out on humans.

但是他们至少知道犯下这些令人发指罪行的人不会再兴风作浪、故伎重演。But at least they know the man who was responsible for these appalling acts is no more.

11日,200名持枪警员突击搜查该地点,揭发令人发指的罪行,解救出24名苦工。Armed police officers raided the site and expose a heinous crime, rescued 24 hard labor.

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这种情况并非罕见削减手中偷窃和斩首有人更令人发指的罪行。It is not uncommon to cut hands for stealing and behead someone for more heinous crimes.

日本军队最令人发指的战争犯罪则有一部分是这一部队犯下的。It was responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes carried out by Japanese personnel.

但是访问google全线服务的速度却慢的令人发指,以至于你都想放弃使用google了。But access to Google services is hideously slow, to the point where you wouldn't want to use them.