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这是英国最边远的岛屿了。No British island is more remote.

把车停放在停车场边远而又安全的地方。Park in remote, but safe sections of parking lots.

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他还说,“这段长城处于边远地区,这一地区无人居住。The place where it happened is remote and uninhabited.

他们希望使边远地区所有的老百姓都能接受文明。They hope to civilize all the natives in the distant area.

来看一下中国边远的东北地区一个社区的情况。Take the plight of one community in China's far north-east.

在边远地区有大片大片未开垦的土地。There are vast expanses of virgin land in the remote regions.

这些边远北部的鱼业社区要完成重建,需要几年的时间。It will take many years for these remote communities to rebuild.

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我们的护航船,以及几个边远哨站都受到了攻击。Our convoys have been attacked, as well as some outlying outposts.

为什么他住在那么边远的地方?Why, they ask, does he live in such a strange out-of-the-way place?

厌倦了孟加拉国、尼日利亚和蒙古这样落后的边远小国?Tired of fusty old outposts such as Bangladesh, Nigeria or Mongolia?

那个边远县于1988年修建了几座中型发电站。The remote county set up several middle-sized power stations in 1988.

在262个边远的小岛之中有几个是有渡轮服务的。There are 262 outlying islands and several are served by regularferries.

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这是一个边远的地方,因为它是远离其他村庄。It is an out-of-the-way place because it is far away from other villages.

边远林区的人和沼泽地带的居民既无马也没有骡子。The backwoods folks and the swamp dwellers owned neither horses nor mules.

为什么不把SELCO的创新的商业模式同样用在堪萨斯州的边远地区?Why can't SELCO's innovative business model be replicated in rural Kansas?

铲斗可以以配套部件的方式运至边远地区然后进行组装。Buckets may be shipped to outlying regions in kit form and assembled on site.

用重型汽车把煤运往这个国家的边远地区。Heavy vehicles are used to transport the coal to distant parts of the country.

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在甘肃的边远地区你可能会听到安多藏语、蒙古语和哈萨克语。On the border areas of Gansu you may hear Amdo Tibetan, Mongolian, and Kazakh.

人们,至少有许多人对居住在市郊边远地区感到厌倦。People, a lot of them anyway, are tired of living out in the suburban boonies.

“我们的救援正在赶往边远地区”一位当地政府官员向法新社的记者表示。"We are trying to reach the remote areas, " one official told AFP news agency.