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你算什么?拉皮条的?。What were you, her pimp?

我可没有给你拉皮条。And I am not pimping you out.

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他是个拉皮条的,他是个喜欢半夜起来跳踢踏舞的拉皮条的。Yes, he's a pimp. He's a big, tap dancing pimp!

但我真的觉得我们像是拉皮条的。But I really and honestly feel that we're pandering.

我们拉皮条您的个人资料和您的意见容易!We make pimping your profile and your comments easy!

一部用来拉皮条的史诗,充斥着自我优越感和虚假造作。A pandering epic that's as phony as it is condescending.

多杀点中国佬,解放被中国男人拉皮条的泰国女人。Kill more chinks, free thai women pimped by chinese men.

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他通过偷窃、撒谎、欺诈和拉皮条使自己摆脱了贫困。He stole, lied, deceived and pimped his way out of poverty.

在中国大陆拉皮条,可能是重罪。Soliciting a scarlet woman in China can be a serious crime.

他以给人拉皮条而臭名昭著。He became well known for pandering to any man who needed a woman.

他靠为旅客拉皮条而过着见不得人的生活。He made an immoral living procuring women for tourists in the city.

彼得过着一种邪恶的生活,专为需要女人的男人拉皮条。Peter lived an immoral life, pimping for any man who needed a woman.

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所以我们要送一个雌性熊猫去中国繁殖?这算拉皮条吗?So we're sending a female panda to China for breeding. Is this pandering?

多年来大卫一直过着邪恶的生活,为男人拉皮条。For many years David lived an evil life, pandering to men's sexual's desires.

那一年,欧几里德12岁。他是个黑人孩子,干着拉皮条、引路和跑腿儿的差事。Euclide was a 12-year-old black kid who worked as a hustler, guide and errand boy.

一名中学校长被揭发,为280名14至17岁高中女生拉皮条。A college principal was caught pimping 280 high school girls aged between 14 and 17.

在过去的十年中,他以给人拉皮条而闻名。这是玛格丽特想知道的实质性情况。In the past ten years, he became wellknown for pandering to any man who needed a woman.

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你们能想象他们如何一次次的给他拉皮条去收回他们的投入么?Can you imagine how they're just going to pimp him out over and over again to recoup their expenses.

而揭露贩卖女性,被迫拉皮条或者其它受胁迫的做法并不能起到多少有效的作用。Discovering the women were ­trafficked, pimped or otherwise coerced would appear not to be so ­effective.

马文五十年代时学会了拉皮条,当时他才15、6岁的年纪,就在马萨诸塞州和哥伦布大街闲逛。Marvin learned to pimp in the fifties, when he was 15, 16 years old, hanging around Mass. Ave. and Columbus.