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并详细分析了海岸带系统综合管理模式的内容和方法。Besides, the content and method of SCMM is discussed in detail.

水深遥感是遥感在海岸带及近海水域中的重要应用之一。RS-fathoming is one of the most applications in remote sensing in coast.

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钦州湾为一葫芦形海湾,为广西海岸带发育较好的淤泥质海岸。Qiazhou bay is a calabash-shaped sea bay, being well-developed ooze coast in Guangxi.

在综述海岸带综合管理的发展历程的基础上,探讨了海岸带综合管理的展望。Based on a review of development of ICZM, the perspectives on ICZM have been discussed.

修改完善了海岸带图符号系统,并设计制作了符号编辑器。Amending and perfecting coastal map symbole system, then designing and making symbole editor.

广西海岸带滨临北部湾,东接广东,西邻越南,隔北部湾与海南岛相望。Coastal zone in Guangxi connects that in Guangdong to the east and borders Viet Nam to the west.

潮汐汊道是海岸带系统的一个重要子系统,对环境变化尤为敏感。Tidal inlet is an important subsystem of coast system. It is very sensitive to environment change.

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珠江口淇澳岛海岸带的反硝化速率在时空分布上变化较大。The denitrification rate in the coastal zone of Qi'ao island is vary greatlytemporally and spatially.

海岸带是自然灾害与社会经济发达区相互重叠的特殊环境地带。Coastal zone is the area of overlapping coastal environmental disasters and social economic developed area.

中国海砂主要来自海岸带、陆架和近岸浅海3个堆积体系。Sea sand can be found in coastal zone, continental shelf and nearshore shallow sea sediment systems in China.

基于海岸地貌基本概念界定填海造地范围在现代海岸带平均高潮位以下。In this paper, the scope of land reclamation is defined to be below the mean high tide level of the coastal zone.

海岸带是海洋和陆地交互作用的地带,其环境演变是一个活跃而复杂的过程。The coastal zone is the sea and the land correlation region, its environment evolution is active but complicated.

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图为利用资源卫星数据进行环渤海海岸带环境与污染应用监测的影像。The Image of Monitoring Environment and Pollution along the Bohai Sea Belt Is Provided by the Resources Satellite.

近年来,中国积极开展海岸带综合管理试验,并取得了一些可喜成绩。In recent years, China has achieved gratifying successes in comprehensive management experiments in the coastal zones.

指出自组织理论为从不同的侧面认识和研究海岸带现象与过程提供了一扇窗口。All of the results show that the self-organized theory provides a new way to study the coastal phenomena and processes.

但是,江苏省的经济发展长期重陆轻海,江苏沿海地区是我国“黄金海岸带”的“经济低谷区”。It has a solid foundation for the development of marine economy in Jiangsu Province, which is rich in marine resources.

正确的潮滩显示信息是海岸带管理、防洪决策等应用的重要决策依据。Correct flood simulation of intertidal zone is crucial to marine applications such as coastal management and anti-flood.

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射阳县是国家科委全国海岸带开发的示范点。Sheyang County is the demonstrative site for Coastal Zone Developmenf of the State Science and Teclmological Commission.

初步探讨了海岸带生态系统健康评价方法。With the above approach, methodologies for assessing the healthiness of coastal zone ecosystem are studies in this thesis.

随着现代科学技术的进步,应用于海岸带管理的理论和方法也随之增多。With developing of modern science and technology, the theory and method applied to the management of coastal zone multiply.