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抱着三枚金针,创立峨眉。Holding three were founded lily, northern.

金针与银线无法缝合我心灵的伤痕。Silver threads and golden needles cannot mend this heart of mine.

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香帐簇成排窈窕,金针穿罢拜婵娟。Hong account cluster rows slim, lovely lilies to wear worship strike.

摘一手把金针花南瓜花做早餐。Pick a handful of day lily and pumpkin flowers for the morning table.

纠缠的白色池子金针坐在前面的独木舟在缅因州池塘。A tangle of white pond lilies sits in the front of a canoe in a Maine pond.

黄花,又名金针,是观赏、食用、医药为一体的著名三栖花卉。Flower, also known as Lily, viewing, food, medicine, as one of its primary famous flower.

天才微雕艺术家威拉德·维冈在一个24克拉的金针针眼里雕出了奥巴马一家。Talented Willard Wigan has carved Mr Obama and his family into the eye of a 24-carat gold needle.

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金针离场的时候,给消掉了,说出牌名的这张牌的启动式异能仍然不能使用吗?Activated abilities of cards with that name that aren't in play can't be played unless they're mana abilities.

先将花菇、金针及云耳浸软并切成小块,将红辣椒洗净切丝。Soak oak mushroom, day-lily and cloud ear fungus until soften and then cut into small pieces. Rinse chili and slice.

洋葱、青红椒、金针和菇类都是下汤做菜的上好材料。Onions green and red bell peppers dried day lily flowers and mushrooms are all great ingredients for soups or dishes.

洋葱、青红椒、金针和菇类都是下汤做菜的上好材料。Onions, green and red bell peppers, dried day lily flowers and mushrooms are all great ingredients for soups or dishes.

除了西红柿和芦笋,其中包括花椰菜,金针,辣根,爱尔兰土豆,牛至和冬葱。Besides tomatoes and asparagus, these include broccoli, daylilies, horseradish, Irish potatoes, oregano and winter onions.

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我们二楼很多东西都在低价出售,木雕、玻璃制品、珐琅、黄金针饰、钱币。We have many things on sale on the second floor including wood artifacts, glass objects, enamels, gold brooches and coins.

观察用特制钛镍合金针作弯曲狭窄根管的固体充填材料,治疗牙髓尖周病的临床疗效。Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of the specially made Ti-Ni point as filling material in pulpal-periapical diseases.

目的观察用特制钛镍合金针作弯曲狭窄根管的固体充填材料,治疗牙髓尖周病的临床疗效。Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of the specially made Ti-Ni point as filling material in pulpal -periapical diseases.

兰科夫表示,内讧甚至可能牵扯到金针日家族内部,显示朝鲜并没有外界普遍认为的那麽团结。Lankov said infighting could have even involved the family itself, warning the regime is far less united than commonly perceived.

在已调味好的鸡件上铺上花菇、金针、云耳及红辣椒丝,然后隔热水蒸熟。On top of the marinated chicken pieces, place oak mushroom, day-lily, cloud ear fungus and chili stripes, bring to steam until cooked.

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图2以直接直接碘滴定法与通气蒸馏法检测金针乾制品二氧化硫残留量结果比较。Figure 2 Comparison of testing results on the sulfur dioxide residue of dried daylily products using direct titration method and Rankine method.

前苏联学者巴赫金针对索绪尔的结构主义语言学,以言语为研究对象,提出了他的超语言学理论。Bakhtin, a scholar of former Soviet Union, proposes his theory of metalinguistics which takes parole instead of langue as its object of research.

这个墓穴里还有一些头巾,黄金首饰和珍贵的石头,战争用的棍棒,茅,金针,编织工具和原棉。The grave also contained headdresses, jewelry made of gold and semiprecious stones, war clubs, spear throwers, gold sewing needles, weaving tools and raw cotton.