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鞋的半成品已经做好。and half of the shoe is ready.

这是打磨好的半成品。This is grinding good semi-finished products.

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所以我的肖像画都只有一些半成品There's only sort of two half-finished portraits of me.

他们在世界上游荡并创造出人类的半成品。They wandered the world and found half- made human beings.

铸钢件是市场前景非常好的钢制半成品。The cast steel is semi-manufactured goods having bright future.

无论你有多强大,你只不过是个半成品。Regardless of how strong you are, you're nothing but a half-breed.

当当当,半成品围巾变身为梦幻小外套登场!Lalala, the half-finished scarf TRANSFORMS into a fantasy baby jacket!

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最小可行产品不等同于半成品或者低等产品。A minimal product is not synonymous with a half-baked or buggy product.

在做好之前,半成品西装会送回店�给顾客试穿并最终完成。A semi-finished suit is then returned to the store for fitting and finishing.

拥有半成品、香肠和预制烹饪食品生产线。Production lines for half-finished products, sausages and ready culinary dishes.

这就意味着必须保证物品制造的每个阶段,每个半成品都必须是完美的。This means that at every step in the crafting chain perfection must be maintained.

在北京,“戴德梁行”的业务量约占半成品。In Beijing, "DTZ Debenham Tie Leung" volume of business accounted for semifinished.

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毛坯房只完成前两个阶段,只是生产过程的半成品。Roughcast room only completed two phases, only the semi-finished production process.

老师是带了半成品来让小朋友完成。Apparently the teacher brings in half-finished products for the children to complete.

此外,现在有那么多速冻和半成品食物可供选择,做起来绝不慢于快餐。Plus, with all of the freezer and pre-made options, it's almost as fast as drive-thru.

适合胎侧及垫料的条料方式,半成品供料方式可根据用户要求选择。The feeding of semi-finished material is optional according to customer's requirement.

他把更多的份量放在了前臂、踝关节和胫骨上,使他成了一个柔韧、细瘦的半成品。He put more weight in the forearms and ankles and shins , and gave him a flexible thin torso.

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与操作者有合同关系的第三方公司,采购其成品或半成品。Third enterprise under contract with the operator invoicing finished or semi-finished products.

半成品菜肴,真正省时商品,上班族的福音。Semi-finished dishes, time-saving commodities and glad tidings FOR those who go to work regularly.

在人工合成金刚石的半成品中,都含有相当数量的非金刚石碳。The semi-products of synthetic diamond always contain a significant amount of non-diamond carbons.