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部分观光船程可享折扣优惠。Discount on some boat trips.

最好的优惠将被优先。Best Offers will be preffered.

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享受超值优惠。Enjoy a best-value preference.

一次全买更优惠!A whole more attractive to buy!

此优惠不能转让。This offer is non transferable.

我忘记给您优惠卷了。I forgot to give you this coupons.

我们有一型中型车正在特价优惠。We have a special on a midsize car.

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爱我免费,包年优惠!Love me free, package year discount!

连住两晚或以上可获更多优惠!Stay more than 1 night can get more!

索斯比还推出了一项惊喜优惠活动。And Sotheby’s has a surprise on offer.

通过网络寻找优惠。Start bargain-hunting by going online.

希望你方报最优惠的条件。I hope you'll quote us your best terms.

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我们可以给你八折优惠。We can offer a twenty percent discount.

未申请公教或其它优惠购屋贷款。Did not apply for public or other loans.

近古亭站。享长期住宿优惠。Near Guting MRT with long stay discount!

这是为什么我总能得到一个优惠的价格啊。That's why I can always get a good price.

请问有优惠卷或会员卡吗?。Do you have a coupon or a membership card?

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优惠劵只适用于圆方店。The coupon is valid at ELEMENTS shop only.

我们愿意向你们提供最优惠的价格。We are wiling to offer you the best price.

你能给我优惠券代码,或者优惠价格吗?Do you have couple code or any cheap price?