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调整绞车刹把。Adjust the brake band.

操作气动绞车。Operate the air winch.

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用一侧置绞车吊起车辆。Concret was raised by a hoist.

那架滑翔机由绞车拖离地面。The glider was winched off the ground.

我们可以用绞车拔起这些大树根。We can winch out these big tree roots.

去年我们对绞车大修过一次。We had the winch overhauled last year.

卸掉绞车前边的护罩。Remove the front cover of the drawworks.

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集装箱被绞车吊起来。The container is winched off the ground.

这可以让你用绞车在这里。This allows you to use the Winches here.

卸掉绞车前边的护罩。Remove the front guard cover of the drawworks.

这些绞车有哪方面的性能?What class of performance do these winches have?

检查锚机及绞车的各轴承间隙。Check the bearing clearance of windlass and winch.

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不,1舱的绞车电机不能工作。Winch motors of No. 1 derrick operational in 30minutes.

介绍了测试大型提升绞车二级制动的方法。The method of detecting hoist two-class brake is introduced.

四驱车需备有良好的配备和绞车。Enhanced off road equipment is required. A winch is desirable.

井架起来之后,把绞车前边的护罩装上。Install the front drawworks guard cover after the mast is raised.

司钻摘掉辊筒离合器,刹住绞车。The driller disengages the drum clutch and secures the drawworks.

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最后,他们解救了他,然后用绞车把受损小艇吊上了甲板。Finally they rescued him, then winched on board his battered dinghy.

介绍了开关磁阻电机调速系统的构成、工作原理和特点,及其在煤矿矸石山绞车上的应用。It also gives the application of SRD in the mine winch of waste rock.

带有可调节绞车的下支撑悬臂起重机。可显示旋转范围。Underbrace jib crane with adjustable hoist. Swing range can be shown.