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衷心感谢您的一片盛意。I heartily appreciate your great kindness to me.

你的邀请我心领了,感谢盛意改日一定践约。I appreciate your invitation, but I have to take a rain check.

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祝所有人幸福,安康,万事盛意,心想事成!I wish all happiness and well-being, everything is Chengyi, Horse!

你的邀请我心领了,感谢盛意改日一定践约。Thank you for your inviting, and I will go to visit you another day.

你的邀请我心领了,感谢盛意改日一定践约。Thanks for the invitation, but I'll have to take a rain-check on it.

你的邀请我心领了,感谢盛意改日一定践约。Thanks for the invitation , but i will have to take a rain-check on it.

相反,意志力拳拳盛意的女孩造别人预定车票这造儿的行以。Girls with weak willpower, on the contrary, let others control their actions.

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真盛意等人不具备外交谈判的资格,却擅自与中国官员进行了多次交涉。They negotiated with Chinese officials for many times without authorization, though they didn't have the qualification for diplomatic negotiation.

阁下,假如您改天再提出这个邀请的话,我会十分感激的,但刚才蒙您允许我拜见伯爵夫人,所以您的盛意我领了,等下一次再接受吧。I shall be most grateful, monsieur, if you will, at some future time, renew your offer, but I have been flattered with the hope of being introduced to the countess, and I will therefore wait.

谢谢,谢谢各位亲爱的朋友,对大家如此热烈的欢迎,我由衷的表示感谢,谢谢主席,对您的盛意邀请,我感到万分荣幸。Thank you, thank you dear friends, from the bottom of my heart, for such a loving and spirited welcome, and thank you, Mr. President, for you kind invitation to me which I am so honored to accept.

谢谢,谢谢各位亲爱的朋友,对大家如此热烈的欢迎,我由衷的表示感谢,谢谢主席,对您的盛意邀请,我感到万分荣幸。Thank you, thank you dear friends, from the bottom of my heart, for such a loving and spirited welcome, and thank you, Mr President, for your kind invitation to me which I am so honoured to accept.

第一次鸦片战争中,法国对中英冲突采取了谨慎的中立政策,并于1841年4月派出以真盛意为首的观察团前往中国进行观察。France took neutral policy with caution toward the conflict between China and Britain during the first Opium War and sent an observation mission heading by Dubois de Jancigny to China on Apr . 1841.