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谷子已种上了。The grain has swon.

让我们回家去吃谷子吧。Let's go home to eat millet.

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我在这块土地上已播了谷子。I have sown the millet in this plot.

农夫撒谷子喂鸡。The farmer scattered corn for the chicken.

那农民撤谷子喂鸡。The farmer scattered corn for the chickens.

巴依的鸡专吃穷人的谷子。Bayi's hens always ate the poor people's millet.

农民把谷子撒在院子里喂鸡。Famers scattered corns in the yard for the chickens.

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有时他们模拟“斑鸠吃谷子”等形象。Sometimes they imitate a turtledove picking up grain.

这是对我省谷子生产潜在的威胁。It is our province millet production potential threat.

刨海地种谷子,先撒种,然后刨。Haiti plane of millet, the first seed, and then planed.

农民把谷子撒在院子里喂鸡。The farmer scattered the corn in the yard for the hens.

我怀疑飞童有没有载过一粒谷子到磨坊去。I doubt if Flying Childers ever carried a peck of corn to mill.

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我们曾经播种、收获和打谷的谷子,就正好是这样的粮食。It was grain like this that we used to sow and reap and thrash.

不要再在挖掘那些过去的陈谷子烂芝麻了,小贝--沙克尔和科比已经是朋友了现在。Don't dredge up the past, Becks -- Shaq and Kobe are friends now.

亲戚的谷子没了,乡亲们再从家里背来。The relatives of the millet is gone, the villagers from back home.

不同粒色的谷子品种其抗病性是不同的。Also disease resistance were linked with grain colour of varieties.

和先辈一样,提提卡卡湖附近的女性还是用手扬谷子。Like their ancestors, women winnow grain by hand near Lake Titicaca.

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小鸡会把你扔在地上的谷子全部啄起来吃掉。The chicken will peck up all the grain that you throw on the ground.

小鸡会把你扔在地上的谷子全鹐起来吃掉。The chickens will peck up all the grain that you throw on the ground.

2004年通过全国谷子品种鉴定委员会鉴定。In 2004 it was released by National millet variety appraisal committee.