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我们感谢他鼎力相助。We thank him for all his help.

我们感谢他们的鼎力相助。We thanked them for all their help.

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不过,她是在保姆的鼎力相助下才办到的。But she does it with a lot of help from a nanny.

在酒杯端起之时鼎力相助,此刻。Lent support when the glass rises and, this time.

你鼎力相助,我真不知该如何致谢才好。NO04,5. I don't know how to thank you for all your help.

在困难时期,则意味着欧盟在鼎力相助。In troubled times, though, they mean that the EU struggles to act.

李智兵先生对本杂志的鼎力相助与技术支持!Special thanks Mr Lee for the powerful helping and technical support.

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红色是灿烂和辉煌的象征,但这也需要您的鼎力相助。Red is te symbol of effulgence and brilliance, which also need your help.

多蒙鼎力相助,不胜感谢。We are extremely grateful to you for the trouble you have taken on our behalf.

如果你的困难是我的经验所能解决的,我会鼎力相助的。If the answer to your difficulty falls within my experience,I'll give you all the help I can.

红色是灿烂和辉煌的象征,但这也需要您的鼎力相助。红鼎艺术欢迎您的光临。Red is te symbol of effulgence and brilliance, which also need your help. Welcome to Top Red Art.

我由衷地希望在今后的岁月里能继续得到你们的鼎力相助。I sincerely hope that I can continue to count on your generous support in the months and years ahead.

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感谢各位对我前任的支持,希望我能一如既往地得到你们的鼎力相助,共同把中澳关系推向新的高度。I thank all of you for your support to my predecessors, and hope I will receive your continued assistance.

捍卫自然的完整还必须得到政治领导阶层的鼎力相助。At the highest level, to get our political leadership to make the effort that’s required to safeguard nature.

因此,在座各位如有此类才干和专长,我谨在此邀请你们鼎力相助。So for those of you in the room who have this kind of talent, expertise, please consider yourselves invited to help us.

这样你就会理解为什么在银行遇到坏账问题时,像中国这样的国家,会不惜血本,鼎力相助。That is why countries like China have poured fortunes into bailing out banks when they have run into bad-loan problems.

16女士们,先生们,我们的机会就在眼前,中国正在寻求投资者,我们应该迎上去鼎力相助。Ladies and gentlemen, here is the opportunity. China is looking for investment and we should walk up and offer our best help.

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随着日本城市在地震和海啸的余波之后努力善后,它们在美国的友好城市也鼎力相助。As Japan’s cities struggle with the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami, their sister cities in America look for ways to help.

本次活动的顺利开展不仅受到了外语系党总支和外语系团委的正确指导和大力支持同时也得到校外商业人士的鼎力相助。This event is greatly supported by the Party Branch and Student Party Union of the Foreign Language as well as business entrepreneurs.

达斯坦是一个流浪街头的孤儿。一次,他的一个朋友受到警卫的恐吓,他因鼎力相助表现出“过人的胆识”,被国王沙拉曼收为养子。Dastan, a street urchin, is adopted by King Sharaman because he shows "great courage" standing up to guards who threaten one of his orphan friends.