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公寓被仔仔细细地打扫过了。The flat had been meticulously cleaned.

我要仔仔细细讲多少遍?How many times do I have to spell it out?

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完成了他的沉思,仔仔细细的。Fulfilling his meditations, great and small.

我们仔仔细细看着他们的动作,并模仿他们。We watched their movements carefully and imitated them.

上课,我把老师讲的每一个句段,听得仔仔细细。Class I, the teacher of each sentence, listen carefully.

她仔仔细细地抄写以免遗漏任何东西。She copied so carefully so as not to leave anything out.

那个侦探仔仔细细地研究了各个指纹。The study of fingerprints as a method of identification.

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那侦探仔仔细细地研究了各个指纹。The detective studied the fingerprints in the minutest detail.

那侦探仔仔细细地研究了每个指纹。The detective studied the fingerprints in the minutest detail.

信任慢慢回到她心里,她又把信仔仔细细读了一次。Slowly faith came back to her, and she reread the letter carefully.

于是,我就回到我的房间,仔仔细细地想着妈妈是怎么做的。Hence, I went back to my room, thoughtfully thinking about mom is how.

夫人,一定仔仔细细琢磨画廊里的那些画,尤其是我刚才提到的那幅。I should study the pictures in the hall, madam, especially the one I mentioned.

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他仔仔细细把那园子瞧了一遍,应当说,研究了一遍。He scrutinized the garden with that attentive gaze which studies rather than looks.

他刷净衣服裤子,仔仔细细叠好,然后上床睡了。He did not go to bed until he had brushed his coat and folded it up with great care.

他把写好的东西仔仔细细的抄了一份,戴上帽子,穿上系着带子的长统靴。He make a careful copy of what he had written, and putting on his hat and laced boots.

还来不及仔仔细细写下你的关于。描述我如何爱你。你却微笑的离我而去。Had a chance to write you about it straight. Describe how I love you but you smile away from me.

丶我仔仔细细观察那些走过的痕迹,只想最后一次闻到你的味道。In the Zai Zai, I carefully observe those who walked the trail, just like the last time smell you.

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我的高尔夫球!原来那天它落到了这里。我把它捡起来,仔仔细细地把它放在右边口袋里。My golf ball! So that's where I'd hit it. I picked it up and put it into my right pocket carefully.

我们接着吃了起来,父亲挑着吃一片片生菜叶子,却仔仔细细地避开西红柿块。We kept eating, my father digging at every flake of lettuce while assiduously avoiding the tomatoes.

她在衣橱里发现了我的那个敞口的背包,然后仔仔细细地把所有的口袋和隔层都翻看了一番。She found my open backpack in the closet and carefully went through all its pockets and compartments.