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每一年换届时重选,可连选连任。Officers in the group may be re-elected.

重选黄伟明先生连任董事。To re-elect Mr Wong Wai Ming as director.

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它需要的远多于连任的诡计。It needs to be more than a re-election ruse.

马先生明年初将竞争连任。Mr Ma is seeking re-election early next year.

徇众要求,主席获重选连任。By popular request, the chairman was re-elected.

后来他在1994年和1999年两次连任。He was subsequently re-elected in 1994 and 1999.

辞职的董事可连选连任。A retiring director shall be eligible for re-election.

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1984年初,到了再次参加连任竞选的时候了。In early 1984, it was time to run for reelection again.

我们当初怎么了,为何不选布什连任第三届总统。I don't remember electing George W Bush to a third term.

在本月初,潘基文表示连任意愿。Ban said earlier this month that he wanted a second term.

他在周一宣布不会谋求在2012年获得连任。He announced Monday he wouldn't seek re-election in 2012.

中国连任“电联”理事会成员。China was re-elected as a member of the Governing Council.

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董事会主席任期四年,可以连任。The chairman serves for four years and can be reappointed.

平斯基先生是唯一的获奖者已连任两次。Pinsky is the only laureate to have been reappointed twice.

他拒绝参选连任第三任总统使这一点得到牢固确立。His refusal to seek a third presidential term cemented that.

要知道,在过去的十任总统里,有七任成功连任。Of the last ten to seek a second term, seven were re-elected.

该党大会决定由总统竞选连任。The party convention drafted the president for a second term.

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潘基文最快本月底即可能被批准连任。Ban could be reconfirmed as U. N. chief as early as this month.

但,又是这昂贵的食品价格和贫困回潮现象,他的连任竞选可能会危险重重。But, again, costly food and resurgent poverty may endanger him.

“机器警察”是他的绰号,自那时起他已经连任两次。"Robocop", as he is nicknamed, has since been re-elected twice.