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提高武器发展。Enhances weapons dev.

提高你的扣除。Raise your deductible.

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提高可见度。Increase your visibility.

他的球艺提高了吗?Is he playing better now?

它提高你的写作。It improves your writing.

提高你的打字速度。Improve your typing speed.

他们为什么提高物价?Why did they raise prices?

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如果你提高温度。You raise the temperature.

如题内容是如何提高英语?How to Improve Our English?

提高学生拼写单词的能力。How do you spell pen? P-E-N.

提高食物的享受。Increased enjoyment of food.

这将是一个很好的提高。It would be a nice addition.

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我的棋艺有了很大的提高。My chess has improved a lot.

大大提高武器发展。Greatly enhances weapons dev.

这可以提高性能。This can improve performance.

性能会有所提高吗?Would the performance improve?

因为你提高了我的汽车牌照费。Because you raised my car tags.

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年轻的蓝鸟如何提高呢?。How Are Young Bluebirds Raised?

如何提高降压达标率?。How to improve BP control rate?

提高我们工作的能力和效率。However , Luckly I get the job.