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大选等于是在9月15日就结束了。The election ended Sept. 15.

我在抵制大选。I am boycotting the elections.

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美国1828年总统大选U.S. presidential election, 1828

这次大选的声势将非常浩大。This election's going to be huge.

但是大选之后,欧宝的前途渺茫。But beyond that its future is bleak.

到现在已经连续报道八届大选了。That makes eight elections in a row.

我认为,我们将提前举行大选。I think we will have early elections.

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在伊朗大选中,本来是个平局。In the Iranian elections, it was a tie.

母亲表现得就像她知道我将赢得大选一样。Mother acted as if she knew I would win.

Samaras稍后呼吁提前进行大选.Samaras later called for early elections.

此次大选中,没有一名女性候选人被选任。Not a single female candidate was elected.

这也是2016年的大选中所发生的事。That's what happened in the 2016 campaign.

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根据这个标准,这个大选结果是一场侮辱。By that standard, this result is an insult.

这将是她报道的第五次总统大选。This will be the fifth campaign she covers.


下面介绍美国2008年总统大选最后几天的选情。The final days of the 2008 race for president.

本届大选对于民主党来说又是一次难逢的良机。This is again an opportunity for the Democrats.

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我希望能在下个大选中选出40个反对派议员。I just hope we can vote in 40 Opp MPs in next GE.

在去年举行的荷兰大选中,该党在议会里赢得了两个席位。It won two seats in last year's general election.

海地宣布复检大选票数以抑制社会骚乱。Haiti announces vote tally recheck to stem unrest.