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这些胸怀大志的演员勇于接受各样的挑战。These aspiring actors dare to take on many challenges.

大卫是个胸怀大志的编剧,也是我最信赖的朋友。David was an aspiring screenwriter and my most reliable friend.

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他没有强迫自己去胸怀大志或是去迅速扩张公司。He didn’t force himself to dream big and to expand the company too fast.

胸怀大志的斗牛士们在很小的时候就学会了斗牛的艺术性以及技巧性。Aspiring matadors learn the art and techniques of bullfighting early in life.

假设你们都已就业了,并干的相当出色,我对你们的忠告是要“胸怀大志”。Assuming that you have all obtained employment and are fairly started, my advice to you is “aim high”.

对于我们当中那些目光长远、胸怀大志的人来说,反应式工作流是个大问题。For those of us with great ideas and bold goals for the future, reactionary workflow is a big problem.

在个人电脑还只是一个幻想的时代,只有胸怀大志的公司才会选择这样的发展道路。At a time when the personal computer was in its infancy, it was an ambitious approach to operate this way.

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茫茫人海,只有胸怀大志的人才不会迷失方向,从而取得成功。Only holding great ideal one will not lose his direction in the ocean of life and make great achievements.

每个人都很专注、坚定而且胸怀大志,因为这是我们在欧洲好好表现的一次绝佳机会。Everyone is really focused, determined and ambitious because it is a great chance for us to do well in Europe.

其实老师胸怀大志,他的心里装着国家民族,所以并不甘心做一个教书匠。In fact, as an aspiring teacher , there's the nation in his heart , therefore was not willing to be a teacher.

我们是祖国的未来,应该像这位老人一样胸怀大志,去追求更好、更大的目标。We are the future of the motherland should be the same as the old aim higher, to strive for better, more objective.

夫英雄者,胸怀大志,腹有良策,有包藏宇宙之机,吞吐天地之志也。His hero, aim high, abdominal have good plan, a parcel of the universe, the throughput of heaven and earth will also.

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我们是祖国的未来,应该像这位老人一样胸怀大志,去追求更好、更大的目标。We are the future of the motherland should be the same as the old aim higher, go in search of a better, more objective.

胸怀大志的男人和女人,可能会被心胸狭隘的小人击倒。The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.

像我们这样的人,不仅聪明,胸怀大志,还放眼世界,所以力求完美可能无法避免。Trying to be perfect may be sort of inevitable for people like us, who are smart and ambitious and interested in the world.

目前,无论是因为需要贴补家用,或因胸怀大志而做出选择,许多母亲已加入或重新投入职场。Now, whether by necessity to make ends meet or by a choice fueled by ambition, many mothers have entered or re-entered the work force.

我们是祖国的未来,应该像这位老人一样胸怀大志,去追求更好、更大的标。We will be the motherland future, will be supposed to like this old person same mind lofty aspiration, will pursue sign well, a bigger.

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胸怀大志的男人和女人,可能会被心胸最狭隘的小人击倒。但还是要胸怀大志。The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds. Think big anyway.

她会说,聪明的女孩应胸怀大志,但如果她们有了孩子,那么兼职工作甚至不工作也没什么错。While clever girls should aim high, there is nothing wrong with them working part-time or not at all when they have children, she will say.

政府工作人员被建议对重要文件进行“打印和存档”,这是个既繁琐又浪费的解决办法,并不适合香港这样胸怀大志的高科技城市。Bureaucrats are advised to 'print and file' important documents, a cumbersome and wasteful solution ill-befitting an aspiring high-tech hub.