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适当地保持润湿。To moisturize properly.

春雨,同样润湿著心灵。Also, it moistens your soul.

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她的双眼被泪水润湿了。Her eyes were bedewed with tears.

用他们的眼泪润湿天堂And watered heaven with their tears

我感觉到了,妈妈润湿的眼睛。I felt, my mother's eyes moistening.

同情的泪水润湿了我的双颊。Sympathetic tears bedewed my cheeks.

润湿性并不稳定和衰退。Wettability is not stable and falters.

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这种曲度对润湿性并无影响。Such curvature has no effect on wettability.

岩石颗粒的润湿性向亲水转化。The wettability of rock trended to hydrophile.

黑钨矿的润湿性是各向异性的。The wetting character of wolframite is anisotropic.

水性系统或无溶剂紫外线硬化系统使用之润湿剂。Water based or solvent free UV curing wetting agent.

安静地坐在窗边,看万物是如何被雨一点一点润湿的。Sitting quietly by the window watching things get wet.

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润湿了我们的头发和双肩。The dew on the branches drizzled our hair and shoulders.

非处女肌肉松弛,有润湿感。Non-virgin muscle relaxation, there is a sense of wetting.

有似乎是一种遗传的联系,当谈到床润湿。There appears to be a genetic link when it comes to bed wetting.

该电润湿显示器的可靠度较高。The reliability of the electrowetting display is relatively high.

雨水将它们润湿,泥土将它们埋藏,阳光给它们温暖。Rainwater wetted them, earth buried them, and sunshine warmed them.

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之后就沉默了很久,可能眼泪已经润湿了眼眶。Ater that, she said nothing. The tears must have filled in her eyes.

打开窗,是润湿的地板,还有一丛丛绿茵茵的小草。Open the window, the wet floor, as well as the grass clumps Lvyin Yin.

岩石的润湿性由吸入多的润湿相确定。The wettability of the rock is determined by which phase imbibes more.