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贵族阶层过着骄奢淫逸的生活。The nobility led voluptuous lives.

骄奢淫逸时,我想起过去的饥寒。If I overindulge I will think of past hungers.

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卢库勒斯在骄奢淫逸、富丽堂皇中度过了他剩下的时日。Lucullus spent the remainder of his days in voluptuous magnificence.

将骄奢淫逸的人引到艰苦的生活中来,这条路是漫长的。Long is the way the leads of the voluptuary to the severities of life.

在最没有精力或最骄奢淫逸的时候,人是保守派。Men are conservatives when they are least vigorous, or when they are luxurious.

骄奢淫逸的人创设了时髦翻新,让成群的人勤谨地追随。It is the luxurious and dissipated who set the fashions which the herd so diligently follow.

老子指责当时过着骄奢淫逸生活的统治者为强盗头子。Lao Tzu rebuked the dissipated rulers living in extravagance at his time as bandit chieftains.

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饥饿和失去土地的苦痛,使他们更难容忍地主老财的骄奢淫逸。The lack of land and hunger made the neighboring landlords' opulence and luxury especially intolerable.

此举引发了当地民众和游客的抗议,他们抱怨萨科齐夫妇简直就像是一对骄奢淫逸的国王和王后。This infuriated locals and tourists, who accuse the French president and his wife of acting like a spoiled king and queen.

作为“黑日”犯罪集团的头目,骄奢淫逸的西佐王子热衷于强取豪夺银河系中的极品。Prince Xizor, the powerful and decadent Underlord of the Black Sun criminal syndicate, had a taste for the best the galaxy had to offer.

诗人通过写这一事件,鞭挞了唐玄宗和杨贵妃骄奢淫逸的生活和他们不顾国家、人民的荒唐、荒淫的做法。This poem condemns the extravagant and dissipated life of the Emperor Xuanzong and his concubine disregarding the ordinary people's life.

比方说正统作家声称诺斯替教,我们这节课会讲到诺斯替教,他们说他们骄奢淫逸,茹毛饮血,而且还同类相食。Orthodox writers,for example,claim that Gnostics, we talk about Gnosticism in this lecture, they said they have these wild sex orgies, and they drink blood,and they have cannibalism.

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此前,曾有媒体将布吕尼与法国历史上因生活骄奢淫逸而遭诟病的的玛丽·安托瓦内特王后相比较,批评她作为第一夫人的生活过于安逸,无忧无虑。Earlier, media history Bruni and the French who were criticized for voluptuous life of Queen Marie Antoinette of comparison, criticism of her life as first lady is too easy and hassle free.

当前,党内、社会上艰苦奋斗的状况都不容乐观,要在全社会真正形成“以艰苦奋斗为荣,以骄奢淫逸为耻”的良好风气,必须坚持党内先行,领导干部带头的原则。At present, the situation of the spirit of arduous struggle is not optimistic in society. In order to form good mood of the spirit of arduous struggle, party's leaders should play a leading role.