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中国人和印度人在这方面是否旗鼓相当?Are chinee equal to Indians in this matter?

作为生物学家,拉马克与达尔文旗鼓相当。As a biologist, Lamarck was equal to Darwin.

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两个队旗鼓相当,打得十分激烈。The two teams well-matched, and the game was hotly contested.

我们的产品几乎与最好的外国货旗鼓相当。Our products are almost on par with the best foreign-made products.

这两个队旗鼓相当,比赛中比分交替上升。The two teams are well-matched, and the score seesawed all the time.

民意调查显示,两名候选人在选举中旗鼓相当,难分高下。Opinion polls show that the two candidates are running neck and neck in the election.

这两个竞争对手将在明年的足球世界杯期间旗鼓相当的争斗。The two rivals are set to go head-to-head during the World Cup soccer tournament next summer.

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在依靠原始智力进行角逐的白领经济领域,男性与女性的人数旗鼓相当。A white-collar economy values raw intellectual horsepower, which men and women have in equal amounts.

科罗拉多被看作一个“决胜州”,或者是“摇摆州”,因为在这里,两位候选人的支持者旗鼓相当。Colorado is seen as another so-called "battleground" or "swing" state because the race is close there.

这本著作的每一页都显示出他的独创性,传达出与那些丑恶的场面和和抒情的叙述旗鼓相当的强烈的独特风格。Any page of his work reveals his originality, a passionate voice given equally to ugliness and lyricism.

当我们在纽约市的君悦大酒店庆祝她的胜利时,小布什和戈尔斗得旗鼓相当。As we celebrated her victory at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City, Bush and Gore were neck and neck.

年轻人,俄罗斯和土耳其、朝鲜、印度、德国和英国旗鼓相当,怎麽会排在他们之后?Man, Rusia is like Turkey, North Corea, India, Germany and United Kingdomall together, how can it be behind them?

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在杰克认识的人当中,只有少数几个在热情和奉献精神方面和他旗鼓相当,尼娜就是其中之一。She was one of the few people Jack had ever met whose level of intensity and commitment appeared to match his own.

这两张图片戏剧化地纪录了一场巨人争霸战,一头大象和一条旗鼓相当的鳄鱼进行了史诗般的拔河。These dramatic pictures show a clash of the titans as an elephant and crocodile go toe to toe in an epic tug of war.

因此,关键是要伪造出一个新的数字,让苏联和美国看起来在军费开支上旗鼓相当。The point was to come up with a new figure that did not make the Soviet Union an unequal partner of the United States.

这是一个适中的结果,与使用避孕套等以行为为主的干预方式相比,即使未更有效,也旗鼓相当。It was a modest outcome, given that behavior-based prevention methods, like condom use, can be equally if not more effective.

班迪在列举这些民意测验的结果时说,他在南卡罗来纳州的40年生涯中,"从未见过如此旗鼓相当的总统参选人竞选局面。"Citing these South Carolina polls, Bandy said that in his 40-year career in South Carolina, "I've never seen a presidential race that close."

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夸克奎瑞利说,亚洲学校要经过一些努力,才有可能在师资和基础设施上宣称与西方学校旗鼓相当。There's still 'some work to be done' before the Asian schools can claim comparable strength in faculty and infrastructure, Mr. Quacquarelli says.

他的平均每人国民生产毛额是全球最高的国家之一,2007年的数值还领先美国,但收入不均的排名与肯尼亚旗鼓相当。It has one of the highest GDP per capita in the world, ahead of the United States on 2007 figures, but ranks alongside Kenya for income disparity.

导弹自己并非一定也是一架飞机,但是它必须具备与飞机的飞行行为复杂性旗鼓相当的飞行复杂性。The missile does not have to be a jet itself, but it must embody a requisite degree of complex flight behavior to parallel the behavior of the jet.