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你真是个无耻之徒!You are such a shameless hustler!

无耻之徒总是会欺骗头脑单纯的人。The unscrupulous often deceive the innocent.

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但那个无耻之徒却没感到羞愧和悔恨。But the shameless man felt no shame and no regret.

卑鄙无耻之徒制定的法律管制者卡扎菲和他的儿子们。The laws of the lowly gangster govern Qaddafi and his sons.

不要来菲律宾。中国人是肮脏无耻之徒。Stay away from the Philippines. Chinese aredirty nasty people.

坦率的说,这帮人就是无耻之徒,浑身散发着恶臭的足球砖家。Honestly, they are just appalling people and rotten football pundits.

和平把赵来的事情告诉了艾米,艾米生气的骂他是无耻之徒。Peace to the zhao things told Amy, Amy angry scold him is unscrupulous.

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这背后一定有一个奥秘,总是让那些无耻之徒陷入自己给自己设计的桎梏中。There must be a secret behind this, let the impudent persons slump into their self-designed shackles.

这种人对国家安全可能构不成什么威胁但是他绝对是那种无耻之徒并威胁着你的权利。This man may not be a threat to homeland security, but he is certainly terrorizing your rights and his dignity.

意识到自己的奴隶地位却又津津乐道地赞美这种地位的奴隶,是奴才、是帮凶、是无耻之徒!A slave ignorant of his servitude and happy to admire his servitude is a flunky , accomplice, and shameless person.

鱼鳔,象牙,虎骨,熊胆汁,猴脑都是这些无耻之徒想要获得的东西。Swim bladders, rhino horn, tiger bones, bears bile, monkey brains are all fair game to these unscrupulous individuals.

我会第一个站住来,谴责商贩他们为卑鄙影响的宣扬者,爱管闲事的无耻之徒,在发着抖地不民主骗子。I'd be first in line to denounce them as squalid influence peddlers, shamelessly meddlesome, shiveringly undemocratic tricksters.

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我不知道这是真正的原因,还是藉口,但我知道许多人被吓怕了,因为他们曾经被自称为基督徒的无耻之徒欺骗。I don't know if that was true or just an excuse. But I do know that many people have been turned off because they've been fleeced by some unscrupulous person who claimed to be a Christian.