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忍受着天寒地冻,也忍受着流感。Enduring the cold and also the flu.

如果是天寒地冻的天气。And for very very freezing cold days.

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在一个天寒地冻的日子,她死在他们居住的一间破陋的小屋里。She died in freezing weather in a miserable cottage they shared.

天寒地冻,覆雪的小屋显得更加贫穷。In the freezing weather, the snow-covered cottage appears even shabbier.

还有的穿无袖短背心,佩带无仞短剑,这样能让人在天寒地冻的天气里看起来硬汉一点。Others wear tank tops and stilettos to look tough in the chilly climate.

当时天气十分的寒冷并且正下着雪,但是我已经激动地顾不了这天寒地冻了。The weather was very cold and it was snowing, but I was too excited to mind.

十二月天寒地冻,所以我们穿上厚重的衣服外出。In December, we must wear heavy clothes when go out since it is clod at that time.

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当世界天寒地冻、充满敌意、枯燥乏味时,回归内心宁静的家园。When the world seems cold, hostile, & uninviting, go to a peaceful place inside u.

天寒地冻的季节里,头发成了娇滴滴的易碎品。In the season that the day freezes coldly, the hair was become sweet brittle article.

当世界天寒地冻、充满敌意、枯燥乏味时,回归内心宁静的家园。When the world seems cold, hostile, and univiting, go to a peaceful place inside you.

当世界天寒地冻、充满敌意、枯燥乏味时,回归内心宁静的家园。When the world seems cold, hostile, and uninviting, go to a peaceful place inside you.

对从北方来的游客,这个岛上方向完全相反又天寒地冻,让人难以接近。To travelers arriving from the north, the island seems forbiddingly antipodal and cold.

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外面天寒地冻,她外出前套了几件暖和的毛线衣。She bundled herself up in several warm sweaters before going out into the freezing cold.

天寒地冻之中,冰雪覆盖了北美大平原及濒大西洋中部各州的诸条道路。Winter weather is coating ice and snow on roads from the Plains to the mid- Atlantic states.

我始终愿意和你一起去承载生命的深深地重量,即使明日天寒地冻,路远马亡。I'd like to go with you, the weight bearing life deeply, and even tomorrow freezing. Far horse.

要有最朴素的生活和最遥远的梦想,即使明天天寒地冻,路远马亡。Have the most simple life and the most distant dream, even if very cold tomorrow, far-road crash.

“不去!”韵琳生气地哼了一声,“下雪有什么好看的。天寒地冻,怪冷的。”"Do not go! "The rhyme Lin in anger humed a , " snowings what good-looking. Coldly freeze, strange cold. "

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但是,除非你有机会到这个天寒地冻的地带来,否则不大可能看到他们的赠送石块的仪式。But, unless, you'll travel to freezing climes , it's highly unlikely you will have seen their pebble ritual.

尽管天寒地冻,但神情肃穆的老兵们仿佛在风雪中生了根,花白的须发沾满雪花。Despite the cold, but the veterans solemnly as if rooted in the snow, gray beard and hair covered with snow.

当天寒地冻,或是天黑时分,或是身心疲惫不想去健身房,那么就很容易让自己不去跑步。When it's cold or dark outside, or you're too tired to go to the gym, it's easy to talk yourself out of running.