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我是来向你辞行的。I've come to say good-bye.

我是来向你辞行的。I have come to bid you farewell.

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陈超向小妖结算房租辞行。Chen to small demon settlement rent good-bye.

我没有时间向我的老朋友们辞行。I don't have time to say goodbye to my old friends.

颜回提着简单的行李到孔子那儿去辞行。Carrying luggage Yanhui visited Confucius to say farewell.

他向弟子罗摩克里希纳辞行,继续上路去教化众生。Bidding farewell to the disciple, he continued on his way, enlightened.

当下,我即整军备马,当晚就向公主辞行。At that moment, I namely the whole armament horse, be night go toward princess.

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太红了点的嘴唇,舔来舔去地说起了辞行的话。Too a little bit red lips licked around ground to speak of the words that the Ci goes.

英兆去剧组向大家辞行,却听说新剧本的女主角是静恩。British trillion to say goodbye to everyone, but cast new script heroine is listening static grace.

布什总统出人意料的去伊拉克做了一个辞行之旅,在那他签署了一份新的伊拉克美国是你全协议。President Bush has made a surprise farewell visit to Iraq where he signed a new Iraqi-US security agreement.

埃利准备分开杰米的公司,而向杰米辞行,他也来到了杰米的聚会。Evan prepare separate the levites to the company, and jamie, he also came to say goodbye, jamie was jamie party.

我会随师父西天取经,但是现在要先向高家人赔罪和辞行!I will follow with master to go to the West, but now I must apologize and say goodbye to Miss G ao and her family.

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宋亚娟来向三林辞行,三林正为母亲安全发愁,又不知道宋亚娟来意,很不耐烦。Song Yajuan to three adieu, Lin Lin cheng for safe motherhood worried, dont know Song Yajuan purpose, very impatient.

小凤要吃力的搬米,带男见到心痛,决定与小凤离家,于是向各人辞行。Phoeny want to move to meters, labored with male see heartache, decision and phoeny, away from home and say good-bye to every one.

辞行这一片天地,走向更宽阔的舞台。在这个特别的时刻,我代表黉舍向圆满完高中学业的所有同学表示热别的庆祝!On this special occasion, I Hong representatives to successfully finish high school gave all the classmate say hot other celebration!

此外,会计从业人员为客户提供私人的会计服务,例如编制个人的财务报表和税务辞行划。Also , the accounting practitioner renders personal accounting services to clients such as preparing personal financial statements and tax planning.

那时,当我去辞行领取信件时,他的秘书拜耳博士出来见我,说州长正忙于写信,但是在开船之前他会到纽开色来,在那里他会把信件交给我。Bard, came out to me and said the governor was extremely busy in writing, but would be down at Newcastle before the ship, and there the letters would be delivered to me.