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请转达我对他的问候。Please give him my regards.

我会向他们转达你的问候。I'll give them your regards.

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向你的夫人转达我的问候。Give my greetings to your wife.

请向她转达我的谢意。Please convey my gratitude to her.

请向他转达我最好的祝愿。Please convey my best wishes to him.

常先生要我转达给您的留言。Chang asked me to give you a message.

请转达我对她的问候。Please convey to her my best regards.

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洪女士让我转达她对你的问候。Ms. Hong ask me to say 'Hello' to you.

洪女士让我转达她对你的问候。Ms. Hong asked me to say'hello'to you.

请向你的全家转达我的问候!Please give my regards to your family!

请向你夫人转达我的慰问。Please convey my sympathy to your wife.

她是通过系主任向我转达这个消息的。She'd sent this message through the dean.

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务请向你父母转达我对他们的真诚问候!Do pass my sincere regards to your parents.

请向你夫人转达我的慰问。Please give my best wishes to your husband.

请向你的父母转达我的问候。Please convey my best wishes to your parents.

请把我的祝贺之意转达给你的特德。Please convey my congratulations to your Ted.

我向迪尼茨转达了尼克松关键性的决定。I conveyed Nixon's crucial decision to Dinitz.

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请向你的父母转达我的谢意。Please extend my thankfulness to your parents.

请向教堂转达我们的爱和感激。Please give our love and thanks to the church.

请向教堂转达我们的爱和感谢。Please give our love and thanks to the church.