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我寻思着,没停下脚步。I thought, without stopping.

我睡不着,只顾躺着寻思,心猿意马。I lay awake thinking and mind jumping around.

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我寻思着用键盘给她打回去,可回拨号码不见了。I hunted for a keypad to call her back, but it was gone.

他寻思着能否在这儿找份零活。He was wondering if he could find some part-time job here.

“我寻思有人正朝我走来”斯彼迪说,他看上去很恐慌。"I think someone's coming, " Speedy said, looking panicked.

很多人很惊讶总统会来NBC.会寻思他现在本该为一大堆倒霉的大公司和油水过多的主管而焦头烂额嘛。A lot of people were surprised that the president came to NBC.

他寻思假若他能挨到半夜就没事了。He figured if he could get by until midnight he would be okay.

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有时候,我寻思着把园里剩下的树全砍掉。Sometimes I think I will cut down such trees as remain in the wood.

和提姆的合作,让她开始寻思二胡的前景。The cooperation with Tim started her seeking the new prospect of Er-Hu.

他在他的地方咱在咱的地方驻防,没寻思。He was in his place in Our emanating from the local garrison, not forever.

第二天姥爷死了。父亲寻思这是偶然地巧合。The next day grandpa died. The father thought it was a strange coincidence.

一路上,我默默寻思着何为快乐,它从何处而来。I pondered along the way about happiness and its sources. Where it comes from?

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昨晚,考克斯姐妹寻思着,她会不会去哪个上流人家。The coxes were wondering last night whether she would get into any great family.

我在松软的被子里伸直手脚,寻思着我的好运。I stretched out like a stick be-tween the crisp sheets and pondered my good fortune.

这些时间让我有机会寻思内心,面对我可能有的情绪。These times give me the opportunity to search my heart and confront feelings I may have.

我默默寻思着,如果现在关上门,假装我从未开过门是否为时已晚。I wondered silently if it was too late to shut the door and pretend I had never opened it.

我没有任何明显的密切父亲女儿回忆来坚持和寻思,哭泣了。I didn't have any obvious close father-daughter memories to cling to and mull and cry over.

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我寻思着,始终不能排除这张海报是在鼓吹一种非善类的东西。I exclaimed, still not knowing that this poster was not advertising for a one-of-a-kind product.

只管即便图画很方便,但是却揭示了某种令人寻思的社会现象。Simple due to pictures are they do demonstringested certain thought-provoking sociis phenomenon.

如果说我有未来计划的话,我寻思过加入军乐队。If I had any plan for the future at all, it was the thought that maybe I could join an army band.