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何时是一个人的盛年?When is a man in his prime?

请享受你盛年的芬芳吧。Enjoy the fragrance of thy prime.

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他被认为已过盛年了。He was considered rather gone by his day.

盛年不重来,一日难再晨。/一天过完,不会再来。One day, has not been able again to come.

疾病结束了布鲁克斯盛年的生命。Disease cut Brooks off in the best part of life.

如今!我们拉开我们的序章!我们的光荣盛年!Now, We pull our starting point! Our glorious prime!

他们一定是在其盛年之时才来过如此偏僻的小岛。They must have been to such a lonely island in their prime.

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人生盛年是处于青涩和过孰之间的短暂时光。The prime of life is that fleeting time between green and overripe.

北京都城壮盛年夜旅店座落于素有“止您硅褂氡之称的北京止呢村下科技园区。Located in Beijing's Zhongguancun Hi-tech Zone, the "Silicon Valley of China".

浪漫主义诗人济慈在26岁的盛年早逝被安葬在这里,与他相伴的还有雪莱。Romantic poets Keats, who died at the unripe age of 26, and Shelley are buried here.

他说,失去的一代现在正在接近35到44岁消费盛年期。This lost generation, he said, is now reaching the 35-44 peak age range for consumption.

不过,这个年轻人,他并不满足于现有的成就,因为他正当盛年,他誓言要百尺竿头,更进一步,为子子孙孙,建立稳如磐石的伟大。Yet he is not complacent. In the prime of life, the youth has vowed to do even better and lay a.

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盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时当勉励,岁月不待人。——陶渊明。Prime not heavy, once a day in the morning. When encouraged in time, time and tide wait for no man.

及至孩童的时代,他的话使学问高深的人希奇。到他盛年的时代,他操纵自然界,能在巨浪中行走,又能使海平静。The era of his prime, he manipulated the natural world, to walk in the waves and make the sea calm.

但太后年迈,而皇上正值盛年,要说谁能熬死了谁,显而易见。But the queen mother is old, but dictator fair when premier of life, say who ability the cook died who, apparent.

子桑在他盛年时有太多机会为自己的生活环境做些努力,可是他都疏忽、荒废掉。Zi Sang in his days must had many opportunities to make an effort to improve his life but he neglected and deserted all.

盛年时你将所得一切存入其中,经过积年累月,它便会使白银变成黄金,再使黄金变为白金。You put everything you have into it during your productive life, and over the years it turns from silver to gold to platinum.

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克劳夫霸气外露,我有幸在他盛年时效力森林队。之后不久森林就蝉联欧冠。I was fortunate to play for Clough when he was at the peak of his power, not long after Forest had twice won the European Cup.

他是一个中等身材的人,体格粗壮,正在盛年,可能有四十六或四十八岁。He was a man of medium stature, thickset and robust, in the prime of life, he might have been forty-six or forty-eight years old.

青春,只赋予你、我一生一次,盛年不重来,一日难再晨,及时当勉励,岁月不待人。Youth, , give you, my life only once, prime not heavy, once a day morning, when encouraged in time, time and tide wait for no man.