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我明天得在一场晚会上帮忙照应。I have to chaperon a party tomorrow.

我生病时王太太照应我。Mrs. Wang did forme during my illness.

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我们的日子也应如此须得到细心照应。Our days should be as carefully tended.

吃过午饭后,妈妈照应我上床睡觉。After lunch, I went to bed after mother.

照应词的指称对象是一个心理存在。The referents of anaphora mentally exist.

护士对病人照应得很好。The nurses take good care of the patients.

我和朋友在照应展销会上的这个摊点。My friends and I manned the booth at the fair.

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“伊莎贝拉姑姑没有你和我来照应她,”我回答。Aunt Isabella had not you and me to nurse her,' I replied.

也有缩短照应的圣雅各福群会的耶路撒冷。There is also a shortened Anaphora of St. James of Jerusalem.

本研究是对英语名词照应的一个初步探讨。This is a tentative study of nominal anaphora in English text.

不准照应动物及上海世博会博物馆规则的其他禁带物品入馆。No pets or any other items prohibited by the Shanghai World Expo Museum.

他们有三只狗要照应,更别提那只猫和鸟了。They have three dogs to look after, not to mention the cat and the bird.

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间接照应是语言学中一项较新的研究领域。Indirect anaphora is a relatively new field in recent linguistic research.

玄月中旬的一个周五晚上,我们请了一名暂时保母照应孩子们。On a Friday night in mid-September we hire a babysitter to watch the kids.

我担保如果林惇有我去照应他,他的身体会很快好起来。And I'm certain Linton would recover quickly if he had me to look after him.

在构图中还要注意画面中物与物之间要相互照应,互相联系。Attention should also be paid to the relationship between different objects.

大家的无私照应煳关心使她的生活充满了阳光。Everyone's immolationless care and attention makes her life full of sunlight.

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如果没有在这桩案件中亲身体会到那种男性间相互照应的态度的话,我也不会产生男扮女装的想法。It wouldn't have happened if I hadn't seen the gung-ho attitude in this case.

他们互相照应,彼此关心,互相帮助,共同奋斗的所有的时间。They take care of each other, help each other and fight together all the time.

他想将来不管自己或是孩子的妈出了什么事,三姐弟总还会彼此照应。No matter what happened to Abigail or to him, the three would have one another.