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站立的人前仆后继,叠在他人身上。All the people who were standing fell over , piling up on.

即使新孟邦党不能赢得这场战争,但是孟邦人民将会前仆后继。Even is the NMSP fails to win this conflict, the Mon people will rise again.

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如果你真爱,你就应该懂女人心,哪怕那是海底捞针也得前仆后继!If you really love, you should know the women, even if it is also looking within!

但是,中华民族没有屈服,而是前仆后继地进行艰苦卓绝的斗争。However, the Chinese people did not yield but waged an arduous struggle for generations.

我们前仆后继地寻找娱乐,只是为了要遮掩我们面对内在虚空的可怕。We search for one entertainment after another to keep back the dread of facing the hollow inside.

面对前仆后继般的腐败现象,人们在探问它的社会根源。The phenomenon of corruption advances wave upon wave, facing to it we must find out its social origin.

为了中国电影能在国际上同其它电影形成文化上的交流与对话,几代中国影人进行了前仆后继地探索。In order to interacting with the whole world, generations of our filmmakers have sacrificed their lives in their carrier.

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当笔者10年前正为了PhD而埋头苦干研究那毫无意义的理论生态学时就知道了,但可惜的是一代又一代前仆后继。Your correspondent was aware of them over a decade ago while she slogged through a largely pointless PhD in theoretical ecology.

中国人民为国家独立、民族解放和民主自由进行了前仆后继的英三维仿真勇奋斗。The Chinese people waged many successive heroic struggles for national independence and liberation and for democracy and freedom.

我见过许多前仆后继的创业者,他们犯的最常见的一个错误,就是低估了自主创业的难度。The most common mistake I see up-and-coming entrepreneurs make is underestimating how difficult it is to start your own business.

那科萨现在充满了从集市和舍得海文来援的冒险者们,但是更多的迪亚库前仆后继的从传送门内冲出。The Nexus was now flooded with adventurers from the Bazaar and Shadowhaven, but more Diaku continued to charge out of the gateway.

自鸦片战争以来,多少志士仁人为了摆脱落后挨打的被动局面,上下求索,前仆后继。Ever since the Opium war, to rid the country of the situation of being beaten, countless people with lofty ideals sought constantly.

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现在出现了与吸烟类似的令人感到难过的事情。科学家们前仆后继,试图使我们意识到全球气候变暖所带来的日益严重的威胁。There are upsetting parallels today, as scientists in one wave after another try to awaken us to the growing threat of global warming.

随后,一系列的逮捕行动镇住了犀牛偷猎分子的嚣张气焰,但以过去的经验判断,坏人只会层出不穷,前仆后继。A series of arrests squelched the flurry of rhino poaching, although judging by past experience, more bad guys will show up sooner or later.

随后,一系列的逮捕行动镇住了犀牛偷猎分子的嚣张气焰,但以过去的经验判断,坏人只会层出不穷,前仆后继。A series of arrests squelched the flurry of rhino poaching, although judging by past expe rience, more bad guys will show up sooner or later.

随后,一系列的逮捕行动镇住了犀牛偷猎分子的嚣张气焰,但以过去的经验判断,坏人只会层出不穷,前仆后继。A series of arrests squelched the flurry of rhino poaching, although judging by past expe­rience, more bad guys will show up sooner or later.

为了找寻冰峰雪岭间的种种奇异,多少西方人远足而来前仆后继。In order to experience the multitude of wonders in the region, many Westerns risked their lives journeying over icy peaks and snowcapped mountains.

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在这生死关头,军方必须确定当他们大声下达命令之后,即使是自杀式的命令士兵也会前仆后继、誓死达成。In life or death situations, the military needs to make sure that they can shout orders and soldiers will obey them even if the orders are suicidal.

为了祖国的成长,无数人前仆后继,呕心沥血,为了祖国的富强又有多少人燃尽了自己的生命和青春!The growth of the motherland, and countless succession of people, worked hard for the motherland's prosperity, how many people burn their own life and youth!

为改变受人欺凌、积贫积弱的境遇,实现民族复兴的理想,中国人民奋起抗争、前仆后继、发愤图强。The Chinese people rose up and fought courageously and unyieldingly to rid themselves of humiliation, poverty and backwardness and realize national rejuvenation.