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这药味很冲。This medicine has a strong smell.

糖衣掩盖了药片的药味。Sugar coating hides the taste of pills.

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目的建立补阳还五合剂各药味定性方法。It can be used in the quality control of Buyang Huanwu Mixture.

吃过这种药后,即使多喝几杯水,嘴里仍然有药味。The medicine repeats even after one has drunk many glasses of water.

嚼起来有点像干瓤的生白薯片,而有极重的药味。Chewing up a bit like dry white potato chips Rang of Health, while heavy Yaowei.

目的建立肾宁颗粒中各组成药味的鉴别方法。Objective To establish a method for the identification of herbs in Shenning granules.

人们用葡萄柚汁来遮盖药味,发现了这种作用。The effect of grapefruit was discovered after using juice to mask the taste of a medicine.

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据记载,味道相对好闻的汗液中含有更多的“花香,果香,甜味与药味”。The better smelling sweat was recorded to have more "floral, fruity, sweet and medicinal qualities" to it.

采用正交设计法,对补中益气汤中药味的免疫药理效应进行析因研究。Using orthogonal design method, the immuno pharmacological effects of Buzhong Yiqi Decoction were studied.

没药味苦,是用于香水和熏香的树脂,来自闪米特语词根,意为“苦”。Myrrh is a bitter-tasting tree resin used in perfume and incense. The word comes from a Semitic root meaning bitter.

所谓偏方,是指药味不多,对某些病症具有独特疗效的方剂。The so-called folk prescription, it is to point to to some diseases are few, composing of herbal has the unique curative effect.

本课题研究的思路与技术手段,旨在为其他药味炒焦的研究提供借鉴作用。The research ideas and technical means were intended to provide the reference to the researches on other charred pharmaceuticals.

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年少天真的安,也没有细想,认为萨拉是在药中加糖以使药味变甜好让威廉服用。Ann, being young and naïve, thought nothing of it and assumed that Sarah was somehow sweetening the pills to make them more palatable for William.

根据制剂需求,结合方中药味的性质,拟定工艺路线为乙醇提取和水提取并用。The process route is designed to water-extract and alcohol-extract which is based on the requirement of preparation together with the character of herbs.

目的研究四逆散不同药味组合与甘草素和异甘草素煎出量之间的关系。Objective To study the relationship between the decocting quantity of liquiritigen or isoliquiritigenin and different formula combinations of Sini Powder.

不过我刚末尾用的时分似乎没有什麽效果一样,第一次用也没有专家说的热热的觉得,觉得全身充溢了中药味之外就没有别的觉得了。But at the end I just did not seem to use hours of the same effect as the first did not help, experts say the bustling feel, feel your whole body filled out the Smell no other thought than the.