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将南瓜拌油然后加入茴香等香料。Set aside. Toss squash with oil, then cumin mixture.

一种深深的知足和感恩心油然生起。A deep feeling of contentment and appreciation arose.

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此时放眼望去,天空的流虹便将会在心底油然绽放。At this time looking into the sky, in my heart you flow rainbow will bloom.

他提醒自己他们都是她的弟兄,于是对他们油然产生了暖意。They were her brothers, he reminded himself, and his heart warmed toward them.

祂将真理和仁爱表现得如此美妙和高贵,令人心中油然而升崇敬之情。He made Truth and Love so beautiful and royal that the heart perforce did reverence.

本人一团体过,直到“星期五”的呈现,这个希望才重新油然升起!Myself alone, until "on Friday, the emergence of this hope" queen came back to rise!

月明之夜漫步桥畔,脑海中会油然想起唐代诗人杜牧的“二十四桥明月夜,玉人何处教吹箫”来。On that night, strolling bridge head will be queen of DuMu poets in tang dynasty, the "and".

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当我团最后一名成员顺利通关,我们心里对您油然产生难以溢于言表的感激!After the one member passed the Customs finally, we relaxed and we appreciated for you ABSOLUTELY.

“你是谁?”巨人说着,心中油然生出一种奇特的敬畏之情。他一下子跪在小男孩的面前。"Who art thou?" said the Giant, and a strange awe fell on him, and he knelt before the little child.

面对今天媒体的盛会,我十分感慨,油然想起与媒体报道有关的一件往事。I feel rather emotional today. This summit somehow reminds me of a long-past, news-reporting incident.

他又想到许多差点儿动手却又悬崖勒马的事,一种又惊又喜的感恩的心情不禁油然而升。He raised up again into a sober and fearful gratitude by the many he had come so near to doing, yet avoided.

缓步其间,油然可见从议长席位马蹄铁形发散开来的四排共一百张桃木桌子。And in gentle steps, one hundred mahogany desks rise from the well of the Senate in four horseshoe-shaped rows.

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当她回答许多招聘广告商时,其失望之情便油然而增。Disappointments mounted as she answered many help-wanted ads, only to be turned down because of age limitations.

说起艺术,Gass就油然势利眼起来,他嬉戏而又正经地展现了自己的这一态度。Gass is an unapologetic snob when it comes to the arts, and wields this attitude in ways both playful and serious.

村里有几个善良的退伍老军人,波拿巴的旧部,走去看了那只鸟,恋主之情油然而起。Some good old Bonapartist soldiers, who had retired to the village, went to see this creature with great devotion.

听完这句话,我不知不觉也油然发生恶鬼环伺的诡异感。After hearing this sentence, I be imperceptible also produced the evil spirit loom over the queen the eerie feeling.

他眼前又闪现出自己草绿色军装上的“三道头”臂章,内心还油然升起一种特有的略带点不安的自豪感。For a moment he saw again the three chevrons he had worn on his dress olive-drabs and felt a characteristic uneasy pride.

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当你听到经济危机的消息时,焦虑会在心中油然升起。Anxiety seems to overcome you when you hear about the economic crisis. These things are not good for your general well being.

每当我想起母亲对我殷切的期望时,平静的心湖便油然泛起涟漪,那是我一遍遍地重温自己应有的承诺。Whenever I think of my mother's ardent expectations of me, my heart would agitate, as ripples rise over a calm lake, once and again by the promise I made.

无疑,如果这时在意大利、希腊甚至是西班牙的海岸,悲伤就会随着陌生与激动以及因为古典教育的激发而油然生发。No doubt if this were italy , greece , or even the shores of spain , sadness would be routed by strangeness and excitement and the nudge of a classical education.