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“协议”,其含义与序文中所作界定相同。"Agreement" shall have the meaning defined in the preamble.

序文提出疑问,本论剖析疑问,定论处理疑问。Preamble question, body, analyze the question, word processing question.

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论文第五章针对序文的发展实际,重点分析游宴序与赠序两大类型。The fifth chapter will analyze You Yan and Zeng preface countering the fact.

最后,我不能不在结束这篇序文之前赞颂一下我的中国合作者。Finally, I could not end without paying a tribute to my Chinese collaborators.

在我的书的序文里面,我感谢了所有曾经帮助过我…全文。In the preface to my book , I thanked all the people who had been of help to me.

序文写正在面对太空设施的火炉外貌。The preface is written on the suce of the furnace that faces the space facilities.

好,如果上面听起来像一个很长的序文,他确实是,让我们从Python开始。All right. If that sounds like a really long preamble, it is. Let's start with Python.

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谭文信已经同意可以分享他的药师法露序文。Bro. Tam has agreed for spreading his Preface of Dharma Nectar of Medicine Guru Buddha.

这序文写得好,因此我向原作者,谭居士,徵得彼同意将此文和大家分享。It was well written. So I asked for permission from the author, Upasaka Tam, to spread it to all.

在那些挥舞着宪法的茶叶党成员眼里,宪法序文中所说的“增进全民福利”是什么意思?What do all the Tea Partiers waving their copies of the sacred document imagine was meant by "to promote the general welfare" in its Preamble?

在那些挥舞着宪法的茶叶党成员眼里,宪法序文中所说的“增进全民福利”是什么意思?What do all the Tea Partiers waving their copies of the sacred document imagine was meant by “to promote the general welfare” in its Preamble?

书中所突出的门阀士族势力,在现实中却一蹶不振,高宗能不感慨交织写下序文!The book highlighted the powerful family Nobles forces are brought to its knees, in reality, not emotion, can be woven Gojong wrote the preface!

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虽然还存在一些不足和局限,但就其总体格局而言,则标志着唐代序文研究已经进入新的阶段。Though the research on preface is far from satisfactory and is limited in many ways, in regard to the overall pattern it has entered a new stage.

其赠序文完全脱离了赠诗之依附,成为一种独立的文体,且从中可以略见其作为一代之“精神导师”的风采。His Zeng Xu has become an independent style rather than a simple attachment to the poetry, from which his style as a "spiritual mentor" could be comprehended.

由于结社的自由,在1946年宪法的序文里把集体协商和罢工权力视为基本的神圣权利,至今仍是有效且合法的。Freedom of association, collective bargaining and the right to strike are fundamental rights enshrined in the Preamble to the 1946 Constitution, which is still valid.

因此,以序文和下文规定的相互之间的约定为对价,双方同意、承认并承诺如下规定的条款。NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the Parties agree, acknowledge and undertake on the terms set out below.

结语部分总括全文,重申序文的文学化、独立性,探讨序文出现与文人著述观念的关系问题。The concluding remarks will sketch the paper, state the literature and independence again, and discuss the problem of the relationship between preface and the writing idea.

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游宴序与赠序系传统序文蔓衍而成,全面展示了序文由缘文而作向缘事而作的演变历程,彰显了序文的独立文学价值。You Yan and Zeng preface are extended from traditional preface, showing the course of writing from by text to by activity, and presenting the independence literature price.

先唐序文的产生发展奠定了后世序文的发展基础,尤其是对唐代序文的发展起到了巨大的推动作用。Production of preface Tang first develop establish later age development foundation of preface , play a enormous role to Tang article used in lieu of a preface gentle development.