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主营胶原蛋白肠衣产品。Main products of collagen casings.

灌肠嘴可以根据肠衣大小进行更换。The filling tube can be changed based on different needs.

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产品简介公司主要生产盐渍山、绵羊及猪肠衣的各种规格产品。We mainly product many kind of salt-soiled goat, sheep and pig casing.

适用于天然、胶原和人造肠衣香肠。Which is Suitable for natural and artificial casings, collagen sausage.

是一家专业生产销售胶原蛋白肠衣的厂家。Is a professional production and sales of collagen casing manufacturers.

建立羊肠衣中氯霉素残留含量的分析方法。A method for analysis of Chloramphenicol residues in sheep casing has been developed.

想象下你肠子如同裹了肠衣般四处飞散的慢镜头。Picture your gut chakra opening in a slow-motion explosion of sausage-casing small intestine.

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该设备用50码的香肠肠衣缠绕在木制鼓桶上,浸泡在盐水中。It consisted of 50 yards of sausage casing wrapped around a wooden drum set into a salt solution.

本文详述了盐渍猪肠衣的加工技术及质量要求。Both processing technology and quality requirement of salt chitterlings are expanded in this report.

对肠衣废水的水质进行了分析,确定采用厌氧—好氧处理工艺。After monitoring the qualities of sausage wastewater, the best wastewater treating process was determined.

一位检验员确保肠衣完全被移除,以及热狗中没有瑕疵。An inspector makes sure the casing has been completely removed, and that there are no defects in the dogs.

天然肠衣是食品可食性包装、人体组织工程材料等的重要来源。Natural casing can be edible Packaging of sausage and ham, tissue engineering materials in vivo, and so on.

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液压灌肠机通过活塞顶压结构进行罐装。灌肠嘴可以根据肠衣大小进行更换。BYGJ-20 Hydraulic filler features piston filling, also the filling tube can be changed based on different needs.

肠衣可以是动物的肠、石蜡处理的纤维袋或合成塑料肠衣及重组的胶原质。Casings may be intestine, paraffin-treated fabric bags, or synthetic sleeves of plastic or reconstituted collagen.

用该包装用品本身可方便地打开火腿肠形状食品的保鲜塑料肠衣。When the utility model is used, the preserving plastic casing of ham sausage-shaped food can be opened conveniently.

患者血液从腕动脉抽取并加入肠衣中,旋转鼓桶以排除血液废物。The patient's blood was drawn from a wrist artery and fed into the casings. The drum was rotated, removing impurities.

肠衣具有半通透性,小分子尿素能够通过肠衣膜,而血液大分子则不能。The casings were semipermeable. Small molecules of urea could pass through the membrane while larger blood molecules might not.

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现为中国肉类协会天然肠衣分会会员,拥有独立的进出口权及欧盟注册。Now we is member of China meat institute savageness casing branch. We possess of absolute entrance power and europe alliance register.

本发明还涉及深度冷冻的肠衣,和一种固定天然肠衣的装置,所述肠衣放置在杆形支撑装置上。The invention also relates to deep-frozen casings and to a device for holding natural casings that are placed on rod-shaped support devices.

方法将医用肠衣所制生物膜和不同通透性壳聚糖网架制备成复合导管。Methods The chitosan conduits with different permeabilities were coated tightly with enteric coat to form three sorts of composite biomembrane.