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她的舞姿袅娜,富有诗情画意。She danced with poetic grace.

中大最诗情画意的地方在哪里?Where lies the poetry of CUHK?

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诗情画意的英式景观始于草场。Picturesque English landscapes began as pastures.

这是一个诗情画意般的林荫中的房子。There is a house idyllically set in wooded grounds.

他的艺术格调清丽简约,雅俗之间,充满诗情画意。His artistic style is elegant and simple, full of poetic charm.

这是法国独特的人文景观,充满诗情画意。This is the French unique humanities landscape, full of poetic.

我跟你一起高兴,祝你健康长寿,生活充满诗情画意。I rejoice with you and wish you a long and happy meaningful life.

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这是人们一直都喻为最有人情味,最诗情画意的一个节日。It is a festival which is explained for its humaneness and poetry.

告诉自己你不够诗情画意招不来生活的丰富多彩。Tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches.

秋景是最富有诗情画意的。Autumn scenery is undoubtedly of the most poetic and picturesque charm.

虽是黑白照片没有多的浪漫色彩,但也显诗情画意。Is black and white photos no more romantic, but also reveals the poetic.

在未名湖畔读书求学是最理想的环境,也充满着诗情画意。Unnamed Lake in the school is the ideal school environment, full of poetic.

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⊙、当爱情轻敲肩膀时,连平日对诗情画意都不屑一顾的男人,都会变成诗人。When love tap shoulder, even dismissive of poetic daily man, will become a poet.

泛舟漫游,只见一湖绿水半湖倒影,充满诗情画意。Rafting roaming and saw a reflection of the lake-green water lake, full of poetic.

我亲爱的祖国呀,你这些山水啊,也竟是不乏这般诗情画意。Yes my dear mother, you are these landscapes, ah, it was no lack of such a poetic.

设想一个诗情画意般宁静的场景,例如牧场或沙滩,使用所有你所设想的场景。Picture an idyllic and peaceful scene, such as a meadow or a beach, and use all of your senses.

站在窗台边,微微凉风拂面吹来,给人一种诗情画意的感觉。Windowsill stood side, slightly cool breeze was blowing winds, giving a kind of poetic feeling.

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不过,如今那些经久不衰的形象说法不再是诗情画意,而正变为现实,一种颇为实用的现实。But now those enduring metaphors are no longer poetry. They are becoming real -- profitably real.

田园般的诗情画意在竹藤的编织中体现得淋漓尽致。Rural the poetics picture meaning like is in of Zhu Teng in braiding, reflect incisively and vividly.

再逛小区,小桥流水、凉亭假山、茂林修竹,步步为景、处处诗情画意。Then visited areas, small bridges down, pavilion rockery, Mau Lam Xiuzhu, step for King, all emotions.