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我们试听的这些女演员都不合适。None of the actresses we've auditioned is suitable.

我的拍档M.G昨天停止老化并进行试听。My associate, M. G, stopped by yesterday to listen to it.

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科勒重新装饰了试听室,空间中安置了1960年产的皮革面椅。Kollar refreshed the TV room's 1960's seating with leather.

支持在线试听网络歌曲,支持显示网络歌曲歌词信息。Support for online listening and display of lyrics information.

203名南加州大学的音乐系学生参与了实验,他们试听了一组音符。Two hundred three U.S.C. music students listened to musical notes.

试听的乐知学员有10分钟的时间限制。There's a 10-minute time limit for students on trial at Hiknow. com.

她是在两周前给我发来的试听邀请。And she's actually been sending me auditions for the last couple of weeks.

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尤利娅瑙,DJ试听法兰克福,德国化工技术进步的代表硬。Yulia Nau, DJ from Frankfurt, Germany representing hard progressive techno.

蔡依林唱的美人计,节奏感不错,大家可以试听下载使用。Jolin singing honey trap, a good sense of rhythm, you can listen to download.

我前去试听并获邀加盟,这标志了我的人生大转折。When I auditioned and got invited to join, it marked a big change in my life.

我做了试听,他们问我将为OVA配上什么样的音乐。I auditioned and they asked me what kind of music I was composing for the OVA.

该产品仍属于迪斯尼,所以还是有试听年龄限制设置的部分。As this is still a Disney product, there will be some parental controls as well.

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在场景视图中能试听音频.场景视图的搜索可以彻底的过滤音频源.Audition audio in SceneView. Scene view search now filters audio sources as well.

明天我要参加学校的试听表演,我需要获得一点帮助。Tomorrow I’m auditioning for the school play, and I need every bit of help I can get.

我的目标本来只是通过试听,可现在我的思维方式发生了转变。My goal had been just passing the auditions, but now my thought pattern began to change.

学员因自身原因没有参加试听将视为自动放弃试听权利。If you don't attend class trial because of your own problem, we will regard it as a quitclaim.

来自世界各地的五十名小提琴手参加了于1981年5月25、26、27三天举行的试听会。Fifty violinists from around the world auditioned for the competition on May 25, 26, and 27, 1981.

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我很希望大家能,上了试听课后,继续选修这门课Well it'll be interesting to see if you swing at the first pitch and decide to take this class on.

找钉在镜头试镜关于你的第一次演戏在此免费视频剪辑试听意见。Get advice for nailing your first time acting audition in this free video clip about on camera auditions.

仅供个人试听用途,严禁商用,请于下载后24小时删除,请支持正版。Only for PERSONAL USAGE, please remove this album after 24hrs since ur download and support genuine album.