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通过你的一言一行,我学会了牛活。Through your words and deeds, I learned cattle live.

您的一言一行鼓舞了这个世界上的许多人。You are inspiration for many people around the world.

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您的一颦一笑伴我成长,您的一言一行都是我学习的榜样。You smile with me, what you say I was a good example.

只有在点点滴滴一言一行中你能感受得到。Only in words and deeds in the little Didi you can feel.

你的一言一行都要建立在诚实的基础上。Every action and decision you make should be based on honesty.

通过你的一言一行,我学会了生活。I learned everything that matters from watching you and listening to you.

教师的一言一行对学生都会起到润物细无声的作用。Thee teacher's every word and action will play a silent role for students.

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老师在教室里的一言一行都会影响学生。Whatever a teacher does in the classroom will have effect on the students.

即彼得大帝的一言一行,很不符合沙皇的身份Peter the Great had an enormous ambivalence about his role and his image as a czar.

见微知著,母亲的一言一行、一举一动,都渗透着丝丝爱意。Such modest beginnings, the mother's words and acts, are permeated with love Cecil.

我们知道,我们孩子在注视着我们的一言一行。With every word we utter, with every action we take, we know our kids are watching us.

你一言一行都代表着国家形象,所以一定要注意。Everything you say and do represents the image of our country, so you should pay attention.

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尽管小说中的人物很少直接提及这次战争,它还是深深困扰着他们的一言一行。Although the characters rarely mention the war directly, its effects haunt everything they do and say.

他说你现在必须注意自己的一言一行,面对客户不要乱说,还要有礼貌,有耐心。Says you have to mind your manners these days, hold your tongue with clients, and be gently persistent.

你从没有想过,新的职场定位要求你一言一行都必须像个成熟的职业人员。Once you have got the job, you will soon feel the need to adapt to the new organization and the people there.

孩子们在课堂上的一举一动、一言一行都是有原因的。The lesson is very boring and children feel tired. The activities are too noisy and children are overexcited.

修行要从我们的起心动念,一言一行当中培养,最终成就如佛的智慧,如佛的慈悲。Cultivate through each operation of our mind, speech and behavior to achieve Buddha-like wisdom and compassion.

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唐骏是媒体的宠儿,他像娱乐明星一样一言一行都受到媒体的关注。Tang Jun is the cosset of media, he stars like recreation same every word and deed gets the attention of media.

也就是说,它只关注报道互联网世界的人物的一言一行,尤其是社交媒体网站上的人物。That is, it's all about the people on the Web, particularly on social media sites, and what they're doing and saying.

纵观耶稣一生,其一言一行的确够得上是面向全民的免费医疗服务的典范。Indeed, throughout his life, in word and deed, Jesus was a champion of universal health care, free at the point of use.