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使用这种方法也有先例。It also has a precedent.

此类交易是有先例的。Such a deal has a precedent.

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此外,劳伦斯有先例了。Besides, DH Lawrence had form.

茜丝已经是我们的先例了。We have the Heather precedent.

不乏先例。There is no lack of precedents.

这种现实主义做法确实有先例可循。Such realism does have precedents.

但是这些先例都被忽略了。Yet these precedents were ignored.

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遵循先例有一种向前的推动力。Stare Decisis has a forward thrust.

多迪克争辩说曾有先例。He can argue that there is a precedent.

先例一开,便无法撤消。This precedent is set and cannot be undone.

该法庭遵循1926年的先例。The court followed the precedent set in 1926.

律师李康熙表示,"我认为他们并没有多少先例可循."I don't think they have much precedent to draw on.

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摩萨德曾有担负令人震惊的风险作案的先例。The Mossad has a record of taking startling risks.

不乏先例。There is no lack of precedents in this connection.

这种社会骚乱不乏先例。There is a precedent for this kind of social change.

该决议颠覆了几十年来的法律和先例。This decision overturned decades of law and precedent.

蠢才官运亨通并非没有先例。It wouldn't be the first time a fool got over-promoted.

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有预约购货法等对杀人历史的先例。There's historical precedent for such killing on layaway.

是以,遵循先例有一种无力的,向前看的动力。So Stare Decisis has a powerful, forward looking momentum.

欧盟外部国家获得通行证没有先例。There is no precedent for passporting from outside the EU.