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我因工作原因要外调到印度。My job was offshored to India.

进程外调用的序列化开销。Serialization overhead for the out-of-process call.

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双方于2005年以庭外调解的方式解决了纠纷。The two sides settled the dispute out of court in 2005.

加强水权管理是用好外调水的关键。Strengthening water right management will be a key to utilize diverted water.

公司提供了我外调到日本的机会,但是我并没有接受。The company gave me the opportunity to transfer to Japan but I didn't accept it.

两位网络工程师从IT部外调到了纽约办事处。Two network engineers were transferred from the IT department to the New York office.

派外人员外向性对派外调适程度有显著正向影响。The effect of expatriate's extraversion on expatriate adjustment is significantly positive.

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庭外调解的决定是在同这些前在押人员的律师进行了几个星期的谈判之后做出的。The settlement decision follows weeks of negotiations with lawyers for the former prisoners.

最后讨论了国内外调Q双包层光纤激光器的研究现状和发展前景。Finally, the development trends and applications of Q-switched double-clad fiber laser are prospected.

声光调制器利用声光晶体的声光效应对输入信号进行外调制。Imput signal is externally modulated by acoustooptic modulator with acoustooptical effect of acoustooptic crystal.

我因工作原因要外调到印度。这太糟糕了,因为熟悉我工作的人都说我的工作非常好,工资也也很合理。My job was offshored to India. That's too bad because people familiar with my work say it is superior fairly priced.

我因工作原因要外调到印度。这太糟糕了因为熟悉我工作的人都说我的工作非常好工资也也很合理。My job was offshored to India. That's too bad because people familiar with my work say it is superior and fairly priced.

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我因工作原因要外调到印度,这太糟糕了,因为熟悉我工作的人都说我的工作非常好,工资也也很合理。My job was offshored to India. That's too bad because people familiar with my work say it is superior and fairly priced.

在2010年以前,没有外调水源进京时,供需缺口只能立足于本地解决。The gap of supply and demand will only be solved by the local water resources, because of no foreign water up to 2010 year.

西安市属于资源性缺水地区,西安市区缺水尤为严重,需要继续做好区外调水的准备。Xian city is short of water resource, so its very necessary to prepare for further water transfer from other regions to Xian city.

最后还举例说明了提高非调整抽汽能力的机外调节。Finally the article also illustrates the external regulating method for enhancing extraction capacity of the non-regulated turbine.

据介绍,广东省每年的石油需求量约为1.5亿吨,其中外调石油约1亿吨。The petroleum demand of Guangdong province is about 150 million tons per year, of which nearly two third is from abroad and other provinces.

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“虽然竞业禁止协议阻止人们在一个洲改变工作状态”马克思说,该协议可能“鼓励洲外调动。“Although non-competes prevent people from changing jobs within a state,” Marx notes, the agreements may “encourage mobility out of a state.

在对调水量有关概念认识的基础上,确定了大通河外调水量分析的基本思路和研究方法。The basic thinking and studying method for analysis of water in Datong river capable to be transferred are decided on the basis of learning corresponding concepts of capable transferred water volume.