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把肉皮放在它的附近。Put the meat skin close to it.

小孩子肉皮儿嫩。Young children have delicate skin.

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肉皮是胶原蛋白食物。Pork skin is collagen protein food.

我隔着你的肉皮儿就能看到你的心!I can see you through your feathers.

吃巧克力和油炸食物造成肉皮儿不康健。Eating Chocolate and Fried Foods Causes Bad Skin.

焚一层皮,给含满酸汁的肉皮蒙一层防晒膜。That immolates a skin to protect acid-rich skins.

不拘男女,若肉皮上起了些斑痕,即白色的斑痕。If a whiteness appear in the skin of a man or a woman.

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调制出的颜色从肉皮儿颜色粉和浅玄色到更强烈的淡紫色。Modulated colours from skin pink and paler shades to a more intense mauve.

如豆类,胶质类像肉皮这样的食品,提高皮肤弹性。Such as beans, glial type of food such as pork skin, improve skin elasticity.

好。那就丧点春卷、鱿鱼丸子、肉皮,还有啤酒!OK. How about some spring rolls and squid balls, some pork skins, and some beer!

华佗切开肉皮,用刀刮骨。I have no fear.” Hua cut the skin and flesh open and scraped the bone with scalpel.

结果是骨胶原只会附着在面部肉皮儿表面,一擦、一洗就掉。As a result, they sit on the surface of the face until they are rubbed off or washed away.

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五花肉先用水煮熟捞出,用净布擦去肉皮上水分及油,抹上一层酱油使肉皮着色。Boil the pig belly, drain the water and fat oil up, coat soy sauce on it to change the colour.

研究结果表明豫丰黄兔可以作为我国的一个中型肉皮兼用家兔品种饲养推广。The results indicates that Yufeng yellow rabbit can be used for raising as a meat and leathery breed.

祭司就要察看,他起的那灾病若在头秃处或是顶门秃处有白中带红的,像肉皮上大麻疯的现象。The priest is to examine him, and if the swollen sore on his head or forehead is reddish-white like an infectious skin disease.

祭司就要察看,他起的那灾病若在头秃处或是顶门秃处有白中带红的,像肉皮上大麻疯的现象。But if he has a reddish-white sore on his bald head or forehead, it is an infectious disease breaking out on his head or forehead.

象群的图片画廊大象,如许的硬皮标本,将自己经常淋浴,然后用水喷雾它们的肉皮儿与防备保护涂层的灰尘。Elephants, like this crusty specimen, will frequently shower themselves with water then spray their skin with a protective coating of dust.

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华佗切开肉皮,用刀刮骨。在场的人吓得用手捂着眼。再看关羽,一边喝酒,一边下棋。Hua cut the skin and flesh open and scraped the Bone with scalpel. Everyone present covered his eyes while Guan continued drinking and playing chess.

多种独特风味的扒类烧烤,五星主厨独家秘制,经过高温烤制的肉皮焦里嫩,肉汁饱满,想想就流口水。Many various special grilled steaks, with the five-star chef's home-made cooking, have a crisp and tender taste after grilled. You must have a will to eat it right now.

鲜榨果汁,营养好喝,真才实料不含香料,现在流行均衡一下,水果让你肉皮儿漂漂喔,香浓的木瓜牛奶和酪梨牛奶也很补喔!The fresh juice is nutritious, made of genuine fruit without artificial spices. To keep balance, more fruit will beautify your skin, and so are papaya milk and Luoli milk!