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期间,演员赵本山也助阵朗朗的演奏会,雅俗共赏。And he and actor Zhao Benshan perform during the concert.

但是有一样极致的乐趣雅俗共赏,那就是欢笑。But one supreme pleasure that spans all people is laughter.

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怎样才能雅俗共赏才好。Let's find sth. that highbrows and lowbrows alike can enjoy.

莎士比亚是运用雅俗共赏的英语的大师。Shakespeare was a great master of the English language at all its levels.

优秀的文艺应该是雅俗共赏的。Good literature and art works should suit both refined and popular tastes.

毕竟她更关心的是作为作家的狄更斯,他作品的范围,他创造人物的能力以及他的雅俗共赏。After all, it is the writer she is interested in, his range, invention and universality.

雅俗共赏是朱自清的一种文章美学思想,较明显地体现于他的文辞观上。Appealing-to-all is Zhu Ziqing s idea of aesthetics, which is shown in his rhetorical idea.

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茶文化雅俗共赏,具有广泛的社会性。The tea culture, which is a very refined and popular culture carries widely a social nature.

聪明的厨师直奔厨房,挽起袖子,做出这道享誉中外,雅俗共赏的美食。The smart chef went straight into the kitchen, rolled up his sleeves and made this famous dish.

主张新诗要雅和主张新诗要雅俗共赏、都有其理论的合理性。Theoretically it is reasonable to maintain that new verse should be elegant or both elegant and popular.

绍兴文化周展览”充分体现了“文化切入,雅俗共赏”的布局精神。Shaoxing Cultural Week Exhibition "fully reflects the" cultural Cut, widely appealing, "the layout of the spirit.

尤凤伟吸收了评书艺术和影像化叙事风格的优点,使作品呈现出雅俗共赏的风貌。He absorbed the advantage of storytelling and the style of image narration, which makes his novels suit both refined and popular tastes.

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喻先生作品丰满而多样的形,鲜艳的色,寓对比于统一,雅俗共赏。The works of Mr. Yu are plentiful with various shapes and bright colors, uniting the contrast into unification and suiting the refined and popular tastes.

潮州音乐的演奏方式和乐器组合种类多样,是一种雅俗共赏的群众性民间艺术形式。Chaozhou music can be played in various forms and with various musical instruments, which make it an art form appealing to both refined and popular tastes.

毛姆是迄今为止英国小说界难得的几个雅俗共赏、深得各阶层广大读者欢迎的作家之一。The British writer W. S. Maugham was one of the few British writers who suited both refined and popular tastes and enjoyed a wide readers of different circles.

小品不同于相声。它是一种新的表现形式,而且它有很多特点,比如幽默诙谐,雅俗共赏等。Xiaopin is different from Xiangsheng. It mainly express art performing and it has many characteristics, such as humour, appealing to both refined and popular taste.

晚清出现的海上画派,以其雅俗共赏的艺术魅力,不断渗透到全国画坛。The Shanghai School Painting, which came into being in the late Qing Dynasty, has influenced the painting field across China because of its appeal-to-all artistic charm.

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配之大量珍贵的老广告图片,雅俗共赏,具有极高的收藏价值和鉴赏价值。Matches the massive precious old advertisements picture, appeals to both cultured and popular tastes, has the extremely high collection value and the connoisseurship value.

日发行量30万份,以雅俗共赏的版面风格和精彩丰富的内容,覆盖并服务城市较强消费能力高端人群的读者。Daily circulation of 300,000 copies for the layout style and tastes wonderful rich content, coverage and services, the spending power of a strong high-end urban crowd of readers.

工笔重彩画具有雅俗共赏的审美特征,千百年来众多的画家和喜爱者探索开拓着它,这是它经久不衰的重要原因之一。Meticulous color Picture aesthetic characteristics with that spans thousands of years many artists and lovers to explore with it to open up, this is a major reason for its enduring.