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一个好的干湿饲喂产床有优势。A good wet dry farrow crate feeder has advantage.

玛丽亚无须再前行——欢迎啊,茅屋,屋顶下的产床!Mary she might not further go—Welcome thatch, and litter below!

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早产儿一直被视为有控制和监护的产床分娩的一个原因。Prematurity has always been considered a reason for a controlled and monitored bed birth.

产床的拉手杆、紧固手柄、托腿杆等附件经抛光镀铬。Handspike, tighten handle, leg support and other accessories are polished and chromeplated.

因而,许多产妇死于产床上,许多新生儿在生下数周就从未幸存下来。Thus, many women died in childbed, and many infants never survived the first few weeks of their lives.

“臀先露”定义为产妇分娩时在产床上的体位。The term "breech presentation" refers to the mother's position on the delivery table while giving birth.

还记得我曾让你们找出约翰·雷序言中的,死在产床上的多莉是谁。Remember I asked you from the preface, John Ray's preface, to figure out who Dolly Schiller is, who dies in childbed.

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港府申明设置配额是为了缓解服务压力,以及香港准妈妈们对她们可能没有产床的担忧。The government announced the quotas to ease pressure on services and allay fears among Hong Kong mothers-to-be that they will not get a bed.

除了产床功能外,并能作为妇科手术台使用,更可作为妇科门诊检查床用。In addition to producing functional bed, and as a gynecological operating table can be used, but also as a gynaecological examination bed clinic.

目前,他们最需要的就是手术室内的配套设施,包括产床、手术床、无影灯以及麻醉机等设备。At present, the most pressing needs are surgical supplies, including birthing tables, operating tables, surgical lighting, and anesthesia equipment.

本产床各动作为人力操作,身床的体位变换采用新型进口气弹簧―操作简便,灵活可靠。The movement of this chair is controlled manually. The imported pneumatic components- actuator cylinder controls body position, convient safe, easy to operate.

JK204电动多功能产床适合妇科检查、诊断、产科分娩、实施剖腹产手术及一般妇科手术。JK204electric multi-purpose obstetric table, it suit for gynaecological examination , diagnosing , childbearing caesarean birth as well as other gynaecology operations.

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其中一个被采纳用于提高婴儿出生率的方法是解决产床不足的问题。"One of the ways being adopted to boost child births is dealing with shortage of maternity beds, " said National Health and Family Planning Commission deputy minister Wang Guoqing.